justlikemagic (![]() ![]() @ 2010-07-16 23:10:00 |
Original poster: darlingdari
Intros are probably not really necessary, but I'm doing one anyway, because I prefer to keep a written record of plottings, so humor me and comment? :)
→ Ellie Daly → eruditetwin → 6th Year → Prefect
→ Lyla Reed → dancinglyla → 7th Year → Seeker
→ Jase Forrester → llcooljase → 6th Year → Keeper
→ Ollie Wendell → thrillseeker → 7th Year → Beater
→ Maible Gallagher → puffmaible → 6th Year → Prefect
→ Livvy Krum → hasakneazle → 7th Year → Quidditch Captain/Beater → Prefect
→ Bryant Sawyer → cockybastard → 7th Year
→ Bri Richards → bookwormbri → 5th Year
→ Dari Davison → darlingdari → 6th Year → Quidditch Captain/Chaser
→ Shelby Pearson adorkashel → 7th Year → Prefect
→ James Turner responsibly → 6th Year → Prefect Keeper
→ Stasia Greeson → hardtoplease → 5th Year → Chaser → Prefect
→ Lillian Meyers → spunkylil → 6th Year → Keeper
→ Garrett Pitt → purepitt → 5th Year → Prefect
→ Trick McMillan → vanillagod → 5th Year → Seeker
→ Edward McMillan → quidditchking → 7th Year → Quidditch Captain/Beater → Head Boy
I know it's a lot. *g* GIVE ME PLOTS, PLEASE? :)
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