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Anne Elliot ([info]perfectsnake) wrote in [info]likemagicooc,
@ 2011-01-17 10:49:00

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This is Anne Elliot, sixth year Hufflepuff who convinced the hat that she was a real Puff and not a Snake. She fools everyone. She believes that she is best not being in Slytherin and working in the background. She is nice she just is really self ambitious. Her father is English, her mother is Indian who has lived in England all her life. Anne is also an only child. She plays Seeker on the House team as well :)

♥ Alex

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2011-01-17 04:47 am UTC (link)
Lena is lazily copying/pasting her whole list. :P

→ Ellie Daly → [info]eruditetwin → 6th Year → Prefect
→ Lyla Reed → [info]dancinglyla → 7th Year → Seeker
→ Jase Forrester → [info]llcooljase → 6th Year → Keeper
→ Ollie Wendell → [info]thrillseeker → 7th Year → Beater

→ Maible Gallagher → [info]puffmaible → 6th Year → Prefect
→ Livvy Krum → [info]hasakneazle → 7th Year → Quidditch Captain/Beater → Prefect
→ Bryant Sawyer → [info]cockybastard → 7th Year

→ Bri Richards → [info]bookwormbri → 5th Year
→ Dari Davison → [info]darlingdari → 6th Year → Quidditch Captain/Chaser
→ Shelby Pearson [info]adorkashel → 7th Year → Prefect
→ James Turner [info]responsibly → 6th Year → Prefect Keeper

→ Stasia Greeson → [info]hardtoplease → 5th Year → Chaser → Prefect
→ Lillian Meyers → [info]spunkylil → 6th Year → Keeper
→ Garrett Pitt → [info]purepitt → 5th Year → Prefect
→ Trick McMillan → [info]vanillagod → 5th Year → Seeker
→ Edward McMillan → [info]quidditchking → 7th Year → Quidditch Captain/Beater → Head Boy

So, obvs, she'd know the Puffs and the 6th Years, especially Maible who is her dormmate and Livvy and Bryant are on the Quidditch team with her. Plotty?

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2011-01-17 06:59 am UTC (link)
We should and that sounds good to me.

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2011-01-17 08:05 pm UTC (link)
So, plot with me, dork!

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2011-01-18 03:08 am UTC (link)
I'm thinking!

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