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justlikemagic ([info]justlikemagic) wrote in [info]likemagicooc,
@ 2010-07-17 13:12:00

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Entry tags:resources

resources: lena's fonts

Original poster: darlingdari

As I'm sure you know, I like to use fonts to represent my characters' handwriting when I update them. Here are the ones I am using for JLM:

Gabriella Anne Richards (pea alicia)
Bryant Dillon Sawyer (Pea Christen)
Dariana Sophia Davison (pea girly girls script)
Ella Samantha Daly (Sunshine in my Soul)
Edward Bryan McMillan (pea yar yar)
Garrett Nathaniel Pitt (pea steele)
Jason Forrester (Redstar)
Lillian Meyers (Pea Randa)
Livvy Krum (Pea Dana Anne)
Lyla Marie Reed (Dennis)
Maible Alicia Gallagher (pea heather)
Oliver James Wendell (pea ambre)
Stasia Greeson (Pea Jenny Roman)
Trick Ian McMillan (Pea Jacks and Matty)

To see the fonts on your system, both in this post and in their journal updates, you simply need to install the fonts on your system.

Download them here! The linked zip file contains the fonts for ALL of my characters, not just the ones in this game, so you'll be set for any other games you play with me in, too, if you download and install the fonts in the zip. :) Look here for instructions on how to install fonts on your computer.

♥ Lena

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