28 February 2011 @ 11:18
Thursday 8th September, 2006  

It's day change time and that means that we are moving on to Thursday 8th September in game. Today is the fourth day of classes for the new term.

Schedules by year can be found here. If you haven't done so already, please post a copy of your character's schedule in his/her journal for easy access.

As for the weather today: The average temperature is about 54 with a high of 68 and winds at 4 mph, but no rain today.

01 February 2011 @ 07:03
day change: wednesday september 7  

It's day change time and that means that we are moving on to Wednesday 7th September in game. Today is the third day of classes for the new term.

Schedules by year can be found here. If you haven't done so already, please post a copy of your character's schedule in his/her journal for easy access.

As for the weather today: The average temperature is about 58 degrees F, with winds at 11 mph and a little light drizzling.

24 January 2011 @ 12:02
day change: tuesday september 6  

It's day change time and that means that we are moving on to Tuesday 6th September in game. Today is the second day of classes for the new term.

Schedules by year can be found here. If you haven't done so already, please post a copy of your character's schedule in his/her journal for easy access.

As for the weather today: The average temperature is about 62 degrees F, with winds at 11 mph and a little light drizzling.

17 January 2011 @ 22:13
day change: monday september 5  

It's day change time and that means that we are moving on to Monday 5th September in game. Today is the first day of classes for the new term.

Course timetables will be handed out at breakfast and schedules by year can be found here. If you haven't done so already, please post a copy of your character's schedule in his/her journal for easy access.

As for the weather today: The average temperature is about 62 degrees F, with persisting fog and wind to keep things looking gloomy outdoors.

12 January 2011 @ 14:43

It's day change time and that means that we are moving on to Sunday 4th September in game. It's still the weekend, two days after students arrived at school and everyone should be getting settled back in, re-connecting with friends, and enjoying their last day of fun and freedom before classes start.

You are still, of course, welcome to tag the Hogwarts Express Thread dated for Friday 2nd September 2005, but any new threads or journal entries (unless you're backdating) should now be dated for Sunday 4th September.

As for the weather today: The average temperature is about 57 degrees F and it's a little foggy and windy today.

02 August 2010 @ 15:26
Saturday 3rd September, 2005  

Original poster: justlikemagic

It's day change time and that means that we are moving on to Saturday 3rd September in game. It's the weekend, the day after students arrived at school and everyone should be getting settled back in, re-connecting with friends, and enjoying their last weekend of fun and freedom before classes start.

You are still, of course, welcome to tag the Hogwarts Express Thread dated for Friday 2nd September 2005, but any new threads or journal entries (unless you're backdating) should now be dated for Saturday 3rd September.

As for the weather today: A weak cold front began pushing east on the 1st, with pressure building in its wake, but some thundery showers developed on the front across East Anglia before it finally cleared during the early hours of the 2nd.

The build of pressure brought fine and very warm weather, particularly to southern England with highs of 25 or 26°C (77 or 78°F) on the 3rd (today).

16 July 2010 @ 21:43
Hogwarts Express Thread  

Original poster: justlikemagic

Hello and welcome to the start of the 2005-2006 term at [info]justlikemagic. We start our adventure on the very first day of the school year as our students board the Hogwarts Express.

The in game date is Friday September 2, 2005. We will remain on this day in-game until Monday August 2nd, at which time we will move forward to the next day. Classes will begin on Monday September 5, 2005, at which point students will receive their final schedules from their Head of House.

All Hogwarts Express threads should take place in this post. Just start a new comment thread for each group of characters you want to play with! Threads for later in the day are welcome, as well, but keep in mind that your students will be heading straight to the feast and then retiring to their rooms immendiately afterwards unless they have to sneak out.