Community Information Below is information about the "Jagerbombers | Bombs Away!" community on LiveJournal. To join this community, click here. You may leave the community at any time.
User: | jagerbombers (25999) |
Name: | Jagerbombers | Bombs Away! |
Website: | . |
Email: |
About: |
Welcome to Jagerbombers.
We're not your 'average' rating community. We'd prefer it if you were at least somewhat attractive (we can always have another drink if you're not), but we mainly like our members to have a bit of character.
There are only 20 spots in this community. If all spots are filled, you can challenge someone for their spot. (This number is subject to change based on community activity)
We don't have many rules, but here are some guidelines: [o1] Make everything "friends only". [o2] Don't be boring. [o3] LJ-cut is your friend.
When applying here, you have two options...
You may either: a.) Copy and paste this to apply.
b.) Use the completely open-ended application.
 Cheers! | |
Maintainers: | 1: tankgirl |
Members: | 3: 61_keys_to_play, dandi, tankgirl |
Watched by: | 3: 61_keys_to_play, dandi, tankgirl |
Account type: | Early Free User |
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