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Below is information about the "I-Itai" community on LiveJournal. To join this community, click here. You may leave the community at any time.

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User:itai (28694)
Maintainers:2: tobi, uchihaitachi
Members:39: 4amforever, all_or_nothing, allinthefamily, celibation, cheated, devilswalknstik, discounted, dodos_conundrum, doseidomei, firestarter, glitched, got_wood, greatwhitesmile, hikemei, hogoshu, inhumanresource, jizzedinmypants, kakumei, kisame, kiss_and_sell, last_to_know, longshowers, lost_but_found, mehface, nigete, phase3, shukumei, skullfucked, stillwaters, stolidly, technologique, thebestultrasex, tobi, tobirama, uchihaitachi, uchihasasuke, uzumakistar, visually, vitiated
Watched by:39: 4amforever, all_or_nothing, allinthefamily, celibation, cheated, devilswalknstik, discounted, dodos_conundrum, doseidomei, firestarter, glitched, got_wood, greatwhitesmile, hikemei, hogoshu, inhumanresource, jizzedinmypants, kakumei, kisame, kiss_and_sell, last_to_know, longshowers, lost_but_found, mehface, nigete, phase3, shukumei, skullfucked, stillwaters, stolidly, technologique, thebestultrasex, tobi, tobirama, uchihaitachi, uchihasasuke, uzumakistar, visually, vitiated
Account type:Early Free User
Date created:2009-04-02 13:36:22
Date updated:2010-11-05 20:00:06, 722 weeks ago
Clients used:
Journal entries:27
Comments:Posted: 0 - Received: 1,924
Posting Access:39: 4amforever, all_or_nothing, allinthefamily, celibation, cheated, devilswalknstik, discounted, dodos_conundrum, doseidomei, firestarter, glitched, got_wood, greatwhitesmile, hikemei, hogoshu, inhumanresource, jizzedinmypants, kakumei, kisame, kiss_and_sell, last_to_know, longshowers, lost_but_found, mehface, nigete, phase3, shukumei, skullfucked, stillwaters, stolidly, technologique, thebestultrasex, tobi, tobirama, uchihaitachi, uchihasasuke, uzumakistar, visually, vitiated

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