| Things I hate
Foolish little brother Paperwork Doing things for other people When I run out of dango When I don't get sex from that rough girl down the street People snore too loud The Jashin cat that always makes it into roleplays. since when did Hidan have a cat? The lack of attention focused on me, because I am too pretty When foolish little brother takes my favorite dildo and doesn't wash it afterward Everything, because I like to complain
Things I like
Tiptoeing through the tulips Dango because it is so readily available in America Touching dango Wearing large hats Touching myself in an impure manner using a bottle of hand lotion Foolish little brother when he puts out Bitching about people When I get to sit on my ass all day long and do nothing I want a cheeseburger without the bun and just fill it full of meat right now. Make sure it's steak. Smacking a bitch up |