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5th-Nov-2010 11:10 pm
whoa look how big it is
Calling all Izuna Uchiha:

Please love me. :( I will be your new aniki.
11th-Jul-2010 07:05 am - A GENERIC HIDAN? too lazy to make non-TC journal w/e u luv me
don't take that tone with me
If humans have the biggest brains out of all the special little creatures, why the hell can't I find someone who can hold a decent conversation for once. No I don't want to hear your philosophical bullshit and a holistic cure for having a limp nutsack and I don't give a shaken ass about how great your girlfriend fucks. For all the big sopping brains around, you'd think something interesting would be said every once in a while.

And don't pull that "if you want news, make it." I said no philosophical dook.

And it's not complaining! Reporting the facts, alright?
13th-Jun-2010 12:44 pm - 10 things I hate about you
Things I hate

Foolish little brother
Doing things for other people
When I run out of dango
When I don't get sex from that rough girl down the street
People snore too loud
The Jashin cat that always makes it into roleplays. since when did Hidan have a cat?
The lack of attention focused on me, because I am too pretty
When foolish little brother takes my favorite dildo and doesn't wash it afterward
Everything, because I like to complain

Things I like

Tiptoeing through the tulips
Dango because it is so readily available in America
Touching dango
Wearing large hats
Touching myself in an impure manner using a bottle of hand lotion
Foolish little brother when he puts out
Bitching about people
When I get to sit on my ass all day long and do nothing
I want a cheeseburger without the bun and just fill it full of meat right now. Make sure it's steak.
Smacking a bitch up
24th-Feb-2010 06:32 pm
are you a bad man
Can someone fix that dripping faucet.
23rd-Jan-2010 12:41 pm
I'd like to officially propose the notion that marriage to a Senju be made illegal, and punishable by deportation.
18th-Jan-2010 04:03 pm
Pole Makes The Money
Swinging on a pole. Swinging on a pole. You can't stop me cause I'm swinging on a pole~
28th-Oct-2009 07:29 am
Wanted: One brother who is not afraid to touch a little bit too low and a nephew who needs to be shown family love ♥

Please call me on 555-xxxxxx for applications.
16th-Oct-2009 02:57 pm
what are you... touching... hey.
Why don't I get a wallet picture?
7th-Oct-2009 03:43 pm
Madara; cuddle me pls
:O )

We have an Uchiha problem.
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