21 January 2012 @ 01:57 am
Nghrau Information and History  
Nghrau, Homo najarus

The nghrau species has been present on the world for most of human existence. The nghrau and humans are of a different species and therefore are unable to interbreed. In fact, it is rare that nghrau are able to breed at all; nghrau pregnancy is dangerous and almost all cases result in the death of the mother, the offspring, or even both.

The nghrau feed off the life essence of living creatures, regardless of whether they are undead or a living being. Nghrau do not need blood in order to feed although it is faster to ingest another's essence by doing so. The nghrau subsist by feeding in order to remain energized, physically fit, and alive. Nghrau that refuse to feed off others will slowly (and quite literally) shrivel up and die.

If in the sun, a nghrau will irreversibly and uncontrollably age at a rapid rate (about a year for every minute) and could potentially die because of it. Other than prolonged exposure to the sun, the only other known way to kill a nghrau and have them stay dead is by decapitation. Able to fly, nghrau are extremely vulnerable while in flight and therefore tend to keep their feet on the ground.

A being that is born a nghrau ages by regular but limited exposure to the sun. It is said that a born nghrau who is exposed to the last few seconds of daylight at sunset every day for thirteen years will grow up to be very healthy and strong. A nghrau child that is exposed to sunlight at varying intervals or for too long will grow up weak, too quickly, or both and is therefore easier to kill or could even die before it has fully matured.

It is possible but rare that a being can become a nghrau. To become a nghrau one must feed off the blood of a nghrau which can be extremely dangerous and even fatal for both parties. It isn't uncommon that a being dies instantly upon ingesting the blood of a nghrau due to the painful, slow, genetic transformation they undergo.

Nghrau History: )
20 January 2012 @ 06:56 am
Don't panic. I'm revamping the tag system. The new tags will only include tribe (because we have too many characters to do it by name) and timeline (which I'll explain).

The timeline concept (all thanks to Joey) is to tag posts based on pre-set periods of time within the game. They could cover a few days or a few months, even a few years. We can play in the future and past and keep our posts in good order.

As a point of matter: we need to label our posts better. Your title should include time period (month/year or just the timeline tag), location, and people involved. This will make it easier to find in the archive and then you won't really need a header on anything.

Other things may change in the coming weeks regarding this game. Mostly we're going to rehaul. We might change the tribes a bit so they're more original, as left up to the original creator of said tribes. I don't particularly want to start the game over again, as I doubt any of you do either, but we can tweak things and assume that what we decide from this point forward also applies backward to anything posted before.

Thanks for bearing with us.
26 August 2010 @ 08:16 am
LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]agent_anarchy)

Did some minor tweakage on the character listing, mostly in that I gave the mainland vampires their own section.

I've been having a struggle lately with the timeline of our threads (since we're playing in October and November of last year at this point). Eventually I'd like to make a nice table for the timeline so we know what happens in what order. It would be great if we could go back in and pick dates for some things so it's easier to see the progression (since none of us have been writing in order).

It's also probably about time for a plot check in. I'll get on that next. PLAY ON!
26 August 2010 @ 08:20 am
Plot check-in #3  
LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]agent_anarchy)

We have been busy little beavers lately. It's about time for a plot check-in. So let us know what your kids have been up to since our last check-in.
17 August 2010 @ 05:54 pm
Vampire "Family" Tree  
LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]fleshandbone)

I suspect (and definitely expect) this to change pretty regularly. I have the original file saved on my computer so just inform me if something needs to be changed.

*If you can't see the whole image (because it is so damn huge) just right click anywhere on the image and hit 'view image'.

12 July 2010 @ 08:57 am
Not even a big  
LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]agent_anarchy)

I decided to add "! location:" to the beginning of place tags in the game. It keeps them all together and more coherent, easier to find than swimming through all the character name tags (I may do this in the graves games too). I also deleted some misspelled tags and tags that for some weird reason were never used but existed through some island magic of their own.

ETA: Upon Joey's suggestion I adjusted the date tags as well, that way the months fall in order. IE: 2009 08 (august).

In other news my computer has been severely compromised by a virus, so I'm on Joey's until I can get mine looked at. Hopefully not a big deal and only an inconvenience for now.
28 April 2010 @ 03:08 pm
Plot Check-in #2  
LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]fleshandbone)

The first plot check-in (from over THREE MONTHS ago) can be found here.

The community seems to have taken a very long time out and that will just not do! I thought maybe a check-in would generate some activity and would help all of us figure out where our characters stand. Maybe everyone could even leave an additional separate comment stating where they would like to go next with their characters or any storylines we should continue etc...?
14 March 2010 @ 09:22 am
Icon Allotment Being Downgraded  
LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]agent_anarchy)

Just be aware that Inksome is downgrading their icon allotment from 150 down to 50 on April 1st. I'm not sure how they'll be handling this (deleting any icons over 50, last uploaded, least used (I doubt it). My suggestion is to go through your icons and get them down to 50 yourself. It sucks, but it's better than down to 10 (which was the original plan).
07 February 2010 @ 05:17 am
LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]agent_anarchy)

So we're motoring along. We've gotten some really good play in. Please feel free to jump in on some of the older threads (like the crash, the rescue, back to the beach, the announcement) even though they're already tagged. Anything that will help you develop your characters as we move forward through time. We're still a little mired in the end of August and September, but that's totally kosher. Whenever we move forward in time we move forward.

On another note, I made us a polyvore group to share character related sets. Since most of us seem to do that. You can get a clear fashion sense of the island. Ha!
22 January 2010 @ 06:21 am
Plot Check-in #1  

We managed to do a lot of playing in the past few days and some of our players haven't joined in yet (and may be a little lost due to all the damn posting and massive threads).

So. For their benefit and ours: please post some kind of summary about what's been going on with your island peeps so that our friends can catch up quickly without having to read everything (unless they want to).
15 January 2010 @ 09:04 pm
Timeline. Edited to add stuff.  
LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]fallofoctober)

We intended the boat to leave port from Manhattan on August 14th 2009.

If we assume that the trip was a two week cruise (about par for the course; I don't remember if we said 1 week or 2) we can say that the cruise crashed somewhere between August 24 and 28th so that they're a little more than week or so into the cruise and have had time to socialize or have fights.

The new moon was on August 20th, which would have given the tribal council time to discuss the impending doom beforehand at their regular council and would have given the tribes 4 to 8 days to prepare (which explains why things were very temporary in the witches camp and whatnot).

Emergency tribal was held the evening after the crash (technically the same day that they rescued the survivors which took them well into the morning). For sanity's sake we'll just say this happened on the evening of the 28th into the morning of the 29th.

From here we can work on speeding up the game to real time, but I think we should continue back-playing in August and September of last year to deal with the immediate adjustments and aftermath of the crash.

Edit: We're going to tag any things we've backdated until we get to the present (such as 2009 august) just to keep everything together and easier to understand. If you want to jump ahead in the storyline to the present feel free. Assume that by early September the survivors know that they're on a magical island and can start branching out to interact with other tribes. By January they know that they're stuck on the island for good and must make this their home (but when exactly they realized or knew this is still sketchy). This should keep us reasonably busy for awhile.
12 January 2010 @ 02:50 am
Turning the Humans  
LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]fallofoctober)

We're trying to decide how to handle the humans as a new group on the island. In previous incarnations tribes had to sacrifice so that the humans could stay on the island and gain the powers of the tribe they are accepted into, but I think we're nixing that idea this time. So we have to figure out how to work it. Here are some ideas:

A. The humans don't change at all.
B. Only some of the humans change.
C. The island change the humans to fit into certain tribes. Gradually they begin to gain the powers of a certain tribe and can then become a member of that tribe, based on a player's decision.
C.5. Do tribes have to sacrifice, does the island sacrifice, do some humans have to die so others can change?
E. Do they all just run off to live with the Jimo (and I'm imaging some would run to the vamps to be changed and some could be mislead and eaten)?
F. Another option we haven't thought of?
18 August 2009 @ 05:13 pm
LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]mondfarkas)

Hey guys, Kierstin here....

I'm having some computer issues. I was planning on being here Friday for the start of the game but I get home from North Carolina to find a big ol mess on my computer. I'm working to sort it out. I'll be around when I can.
06 August 2009 @ 11:17 pm
So: The Boat  
LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]fallofoctober)

We've sort of arbitrarily decided (and by we I mean mostly me with the help of Joey and Becky) to have the cruise (The Hnakra on which our humans will sail toward their destiny) leave next Friday, August 14th, around 2pm. It'll be leaving from some docks in Manhattan.

Basically if you have regular humans that you're bringing to the island, have them in Manhattan by next Friday for the embarkation. You can always backdate any other bits and pieces once they're on the boat, but feel free to use this week to establish any back story.

I think it would be okay to post our humany stuff in subverted under, but once they get on the boat we should post our humany stuff on the island community.

If you haven't decided on humans yet, this gives you a week to come up with some for this particular trip. I don't doubt we might have more occasions to bring other humans in later.
03 August 2009 @ 11:38 pm
Information on Dopplegangers  
LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]abrelosojos)

Dopplegangers, or ghostly doubles, are rare creatures that take on the form of other living people. Unless they've given up, dopplegangers are in constant search of the person they are the copy of. If they do not find the person they match, the doppleganger's body will die (just like any other human being) and will be reborn into a doppleganger of someone new, beginning the search all over again... and again... and again for all eternity.

A doppleganger will only stop being reincarnated when they replace the person they are double of. Said to be evil or sinister, suffering through the pain of death over and over leads dopplegangers to murdering the person they are the copy of. Assuming their persons identity, if they actually find them (an extremely rare accomplishment), is the only way to become a doppleganger no longer.

All dopplegangers remember all their past lives and, because of that, typically choose to live alone. Some, though, do find companionship with one another and decide to live together and need not search for whom they are double of.

There are no known tribes of dopplegangers, but a few do live on the island.

**Any questions or suggestions please comment to this post.

26 July 2009 @ 04:34 am
LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]agent_anarchy)

Just in case!