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Below is information about the "inkpen lyts" community on LiveJournal. To join this community, click here. You may leave the community at any time.

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User:inkpen (11825)
Name:inkpen lyts


I only post layouts here but I might add a few graphics here and there. =] Rules are no stealing/claiming as your own or copying my layouts. Always leave the credit on and I'd greatly appreciate it if you commented when you took a layout/graphic! =]

I'm looking for people to help me post so if you're interested leave a comment on my [[info]how] friends page with layouts you've made and I'll let you know if you have access to post or not! I'm really not picky right now, I would love help with the community.

Interests:4: graphic design, graphics, icons, layouts
Maintainers:1: how
Members:176: 021590, 311, _bden_, _empire, amourfully, apparently, autopsyfear, avada, baka, bbycakes18, bitten, bloodleaf, bmw, bootyshorts, bouncy, bows, bride, briezybug, brownie, caked, caylenecasualty, cec, cecille, celebrate, cincinnati, cityofevil, clubs, coasts, comatose, contrary, cosmic, craigeryowens, cranium, crimsonlegend, cupcakin, cutup, dannynoriega, dcma, decembersnow, deedlit, defygravity, desiired, dessen, devoured, devours, diaochan, discoglamour, discolies, dolly, doodles, driveshaft, drugs, dust, emerald_chaos, enchanted_love, encore, escentual, exposed, fantine, fetchler, fiasco, fist_vs_face, flirty, florence, flygirl_, forestoftrees, freck, freckle, freekatieholmes, funk, gentle, glamorousqueen, gulf, hametsu, hardxcore, higinia, hilary, hiswifeyy, holdyourstage, hollywoods, hormones, how, hummingbirds, illuminated, imagine, infatuate, inspire, inspires, jealous, jimmypage, kadaj, karma, kazuya, killmedead, kiss, krankheit, ladyfresh, lawrencearms, lethe, locate, lovehoodies, lovers, lovestories, luring_hearts, luvahs, mel, melrose, metalllica, missthang, monkers, monument, musicable, myheroine, nevermore, nova_gurl, ocean, opiate, oracular, outspoken, oxycontin, paperbackwriter, paperdoll386, papertigers, party, philosophy, phoenyx, poetics, prettyfuuck, private_battles, proverbs, psuphoto09, punkgoesblog, radioface, rainbowpills, raychelleeliz, risky, roads, rubbish, rumors, serotonin, shimmers, silicone, sincere, sixtynine, smiley, smoothie, stfuplz, storybook, strip, stxr, sundays, sunstripped, surfs, sushiflower, teefs, teeth, theinamorata, thekooks, tilt, tingles, tokyos, uhoh, ulliels, vag, vault, velociraptor, viored, vodkashots, wanderlust, wezo, yellowsubmarine, youcanbreathe, yourcall, zoli, zombeh
Watched by:124: 021590, adieu, apparently, autopsyfear, avada, baka, bbycakes18, bloodleaf, bootyshorts, bouncy, briezybug, brownie, caked, celebrate, cincinnati, cityofevil, coasts, comatose, craigeryowens, crimsonlegend, cupcakin, dcma, decembersnow, deedlit, defygravity, desiired, devoured, devours, diaochan, discoglamour, discolies, dolly, doodles, driveshaft, dust, emerald_chaos, enchanted_love, encore, escentual, exposed, fantine, fiasco, flirty, florence, flygirl_, forestoftrees, freck, freckle, freekatieholmes, funk, gentle, glamorousqueen, gulf, higinia, hilary, hiswifeyy, holdyourstage, hollywoods, hormones, how, hummingbirds, imagine, infatuate, inspire, inspires, jealous, jimmypage, karma, kazuya, kiss, krankheit, ladyfresh, lawrencearms, lovehoodies, lovers, lovestories, luring_hearts, luvahs, lyserg, melrose, metalllica, missthang, monkers, monument, mrs, musicable, myheroine, nevermore, nova_gurl, opiate, outspoken, oxycontin, paperdoll386, party, philosophy, phoenyx, poetics, prettyfuuck, private_battles, proverbs, psuphoto09, radioface, rainbowpills, raychelleeliz, roads, rubbish, sexiidyme, smoothie, storybook, stxr, sundays, sunstripped, surfs, sushiflower, thekooks, tingles, tokyos, vag, vault, velociraptor, viored, vodkashots, wanderlust, zoli
Account type:Early Adopter

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