Community Information Below is information about the "I Have Married → Scribbld Marriage Community!" community on LiveJournal. To join this community, click here. You may leave the community at any time.
User: | ihavemarried (29352) |
Name: | I Have Married → Scribbld Marriage Community! |
About: | welcome to ihavemarried。 |
♚ | ♚ | ♚ | ♚ | ♚ | ♚ | | About.
ihavemarried is a place where you can claim marriage to your favorite fictional characters or celebrities and ask other scribbld users for their hand in marriage! All we ask is that you follow some basic rules.
1) Please check the claims list before you make your claim. This is a MUST. If you claim something that has already been claimed, even if it hasn't been updated on the list yet, your claim will be ignored. 2) You may claim 3 characters/celebrities AND 3 scribbld users. Why should those with open relationships not get any love as well? hur hur 3) Making your claims in the following format is advised: " ihavemarried PERSON'S NAME (what they do/what fandom they are from)" OR " ihavemarried username", depending on what type of claim you are making. 4) If you are dropping your claim or are moving to a new journal, it is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to make a post here letting us know. If we find that you have moved without telling us, your claim will be removed. You also need to post letting us know if you are divorcing a scribbld user. 5)If you are marrying a scribbld user, the user that you are marrying MUST comment to the post agreeing to your claim before it can be added to the claims list. 6) Place your claims somewhere in your journal (userinfo, FO post, whatever) after you have claimed them. Please do not remove your claims from your journal. This also includes both users married to each other according to the claims list. 7) If you leave the community, your claims will be removed. Please keep this in mind. 8) Keep it drama free. The mods wish to keep this community peaceful and fun, so we will not hesitate to handle any drama as we see fit. 9) Feel free to make your proposals as sappy, as silly, or as simple as you like. 10) Do not hesitate to contact a mod if you have any questions regarding the community. You may do so HERE. 11) To show that you have read the rules, please put "My solemn vow" in your subject line. If you fail to do this, you will be given one warning and asked to fix your post. Your claim cannot be added unless it has the subject line!
Claims List. Fictional Characters, Celebrities, etc (arranged alphabetical order by FIRST name) A Alex Suarez (Musician) is married to adammonroe Axel (Kingdom Hearts) is married to kiokushitaka
B Brian Molko (Placebo) is married to adammonroe
E Ezio Auditore da Firenze (Assassin Creed II) is married to kiokushitaka
F Franziska von Karma (Ace Attorney) is married to amenu
G Gackt (Jpop Singer) is married to diaochan Gilbert Beilschmidt/Prussia (Hetalia Axis Powers) is married to hammerofjustice
H Hiroto (musician, from alice nine.) is married to dismantle
J Jared Leto (musician and actor) is married to dismantle
L L (Death Note) is married to powerpuff Lelouch [Lamperouge] Vi Britannia (Code Geass) is married to strawberrytea Leon Kennedy (Resident Evil) is married to shinimegami
M Mello (Death Note) is married to heartshapecandy Michael Jackson (musician) is married to toki__wartooth Miles Edgeworth (Ace Attorney) is married to lunareuphoria
N Naruto Uzumaki (Naruto) is married to mahou Nishikido Ryo (Jpop singer from NEWS) is married to zombeh
P Phoenix Wright (Ace Attorney) is married to mahou
R Ruki/Takanori Matsumoto (musician, from the GazettE) is married to destructive
S Sakura Haruno (Naruto) is married to amenu Seto Kaiba (Yugioh) is married to strawberrytea Sun Ce (Dynasty Warriors) is married to diaochan Spain AKA Antonio Fernandez Carriedo (Hetalia) is married to kiokushitaka South Italy AKA Romano (Hetalia) is married to kiokushitaka
T Teppei Koike (Actor/Musician) is married to luvotomy Terra (Kingdom Hearts Birth By Sleep) is married to lunareuphoria Toki Wartooth (Metalocalypse) is married to toki__wartooth Touta Matsuda (Death Note) is married to luvotomy
Z Zelos (Tales of Symphonia) is married to heartshapecandy
Scribbld Users (arranged alphabetical order by the proposing scribbld user)
hammerofjustice is married to omegatrinity
lunareuphoria is married to destructive
mahou is married to amenu
sehnsucht is married to lunareuphoria
strawberrytea is married to sehnsucht
Z | |
Maintainers: | 1: strawberrytea |
Members: | 17: adammonroe, amenu, destructive, diaochan, hammerofjustice, heartshapecandy, kiokushitaka, lunareuphoria, luvotomy, mahou, mei, policeacademy, powerpuff, sehnsucht, shinimegami, strawberrytea, zombeh |
Watched by: | 10: adammonroe, amenu, diaochan, hammerofjustice, heartshapecandy, kiokushitaka, luvotomy, policeacademy, powerpuff, strawberrytea |
Account type: | Early Free User |
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