I Have Married → Scribbld Marriage Community!'s Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
I Have Married → Scribbld Marriage Community!

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My solemn vow [20 Mar 2010|11:47pm]
[ mood | amused ]
[ music | ƒr[ƒg‚܂肨 - U.N.Owen Was Her ]

[info]ihavemarried [info]amenu for he is whipped and every one who knows us wouldn't contest it n-e-wayz. I'd make a sappy proposal speech for him and all that, but really that sort of thing isn't my style. (I guess I'll trick him into commenting on this post).

Because I am such a loving house wife,
[info]ihavemarried (also) Naruto Uzumaki (Naruto).
There's also a rumor that
[info]ihavemarried Phoenix Wright (Ace Attorney).

And none of them have nice tits. Poppycock.

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