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My Solemn Vow [10 May 2009|02:55am]
[info]ihavemarried Mello (Death Note) I like em a bit crazy


[info]ihavemarried Zelos (Tales of Symphonia) And I also like them a bit stupid
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my solemn vow. [10 May 2009|01:27pm]
[info]ihavemarried brian molko ( placebo ).
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My solemn vow [10 May 2009|02:55pm]
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[info]ihavemarried [info]lunareuphoria because I'm a Seme,d'oh.

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My solemn vow [10 May 2009|07:33pm]
[info]ihavemarried Gackt [Jpop singer] & [info]ihavemarried Sun Ce [Dynasty Warriors]
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[ viewing | May 10th, 2009 ]
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