I Have Married → Scribbld Marriage Community!'s Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
I Have Married → Scribbld Marriage Community!

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my solemn vow [07 May 2009|04:39pm]
[info]ihavemarried Ruki/Takanori Matsumoto (musician, from the GazettE). :D

was there any doubt?!?! /SHOT.
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Official Complaint Department [07 May 2009|07:55pm]
This post acts as the official complaints and comments department for this community. It's also probably the fastest, easiest, and most private way to get a response from either of the mod's. Comments are all screened so if you have anything to say to either of us about this community. Go ahead and do it here! ♥
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my solemn vow. [07 May 2009|08:02pm]
[ music | english summer rain. ]

[info]ihavemarried adrien brody ( actor ), finally.

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My solemn vow [07 May 2009|08:40pm]
[ mood | hopeful ]
[ music | Trapt - Victim ]

[info]ihavemarried Suzaku Kururugi (Code Geass)

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My Solemn Vow [07 May 2009|08:45pm]
[info]ihavemarried Seto (Yugioh) and Lelouch (Code Geass)
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My solemn vow [07 May 2009|09:12pm]
[ mood | blank ]

[info]ihavemarried Teppei Koike (Actor/Musican) and Touta Matsuda (Death Note).
Thank you! ♥

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[ viewing | May 7th, 2009 ]
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