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drew, yami, shini ▷ icons for you good people

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DESTRUCTIVE ♚ 255 screencaps [29 May 2009|12:32am]
[ mood | accomplished ]
[ music | Capsule - You are the reason ]

'blossoming' is my lj handle; i'm too lazy to edit this (:

Well, I decided it would be cool to make some screencaps for the first time. And since I like to icon Yoko like nobody's business, I decided that capping the new video would be awesome. I didn't think I'd accumulate that much, so thus I decided that I may as well share it with anyone who wants them~:D

click for some more tl;dr and then the .zip and shit )

* this is badou, who got a rename, just for those that did not know already

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[ viewing | May 29th, 2009 ]
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