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drew, yami, shini ▷ icons for you good people

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BADOU ♚ 61 icons + 01 extra [15 Aug 2008|01:09pm]
[ mood | accomplished ]
[ music | beautiful day ♫ kerli ]

Another mixed bath. I'm trying to experiment with a format I like, so please excuse my ever-changing formats. ;; I also wanted to get these all posted before I start Uni, because I don't know if I'll ever get around to posting these if I don't do so now, haha.

♫ Comments are appreciated.
♫ Credit is appreciated (especially if you use the friends only banner).

16 ➟ アリス九號. (alice nine.)
03 ➟ アンティック-珈琲店- (An Café)
02 ➟ Dolly
09 ➟ The GazettE
03 ➟ 倖田來未 (Koda Kumi)
04 ➟ LM.C
03 ➟ SuG
01 ➟ T.M.Revolution

02 ➟ Deadman Wonderland
02 ➟ Desire Climax
03 ➟ Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children
03 ➟ Final Fantasy X
03 ➟ Kimi ni Fureta
01 ➟ Kingdom Hearts II
03 ➟ Midnight Secretary
01 ➟ Resident Evil
01 ➟ Soul Calibur
02 ➟ Yokubou to Koi no Meguri

01 ➟ アリス九號. (alice nine.) friends only banner

love is dead, love is gone, love don't live here anymore )
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[ viewing | August 15th, 2008 ]
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