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drew, yami, shini ▷ icons for you good people

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badou ♚ 69 icons + 03 extras [06 Jul 2008|07:47pm]
[ mood | apathetic ]
[ music | stay away from me ♫ tommy heavenly6 ]

I'm trying not to be lazy, I guess. Most of the anime/manga/game icons are just text and textless variations of each other. Not a very interesting batch this time around. As you can see, I've been iconing more musicians.

I'd appreciate credit if you use the banner (for whatever purpose that would be) as well as for the icons. Comments are greatly appreciated, as well.

05 ➟ アンティック-珈琲店- (An Café)
22 ➟ The GazettE
03 ➟ 倖田來未 (Koda Kumi)
04 ➟ LM.C

01 ➟ After School Nightmare
04 ➟ DOGS
05 ➟ Final Fantasy X/X-2
02 ➟ Fire Candy
02 ➟ Kingdom Hearts II
04 ➟ Masshiro Valentine
01 ➟ Pink Sniper
01 ➟ Pretty Face
02 ➟ Real Kiss (part of Koibana)
02 ➟ Shoujo Eve
04 ➟ To-LOVE-Ru
02 ➟ X/1999
03 ➟ Yokubou to Koi no Meguri

01 ➟ The GazettE banner
01 ➟ The GazettE wallpaper
01 ➟ Miwa Shirow wallpaper

i feel a little better than i did before )
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