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drew, yami, shini ▷ icons for you good people

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Vampire Knight icons - episode #01 [30 Apr 2008|05:43pm]
[ mood | cold ]
[ music | None ]

Vampire Knight icons
Episode #01 -- "Night of the Vampires"
87 total icons

Teaser icons:

1 2 3

This way to the freak show )
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PS7 Actions Tutorial [30 Apr 2008|05:48pm]
[ mood | cold ]
[ music | None ]

How to use the actions in Photoshop 7.0. In other words, how to set it so you can easily perform repetative actions multiple times.

I'll be using this image as an example for this tutorial:
Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.us

For beginners to intermediate level. Translatable?

He's a heartbreaker, he's a soul taker )
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kururu ♚ 55 icons [30 Apr 2008|08:16pm]
[ mood | awake ]
[ music | guren ♪♫ the gazette ]

I don't even know how old some of these icons are~ A lot of them have sitting around since January, I think. Ewugh. Meaning this post is certainly a mixed bag. Actually... this makes the first icon post of the year for me. How pathetic is that? Hahaha.

Please comment and credit either [info]kururu or [info]iconstipation if you end up using of my icons. Not that you'll want to, but you know...

10 ➟ .hack//G.U.
04 ➟ air gear
07 ➟ cosplay (bleach, tengen toppa gurren-lagann, kingdom hearts ii)
07 ➟ dogs
04 ➟ final fantasy (vii, vii: advent children, x-2)
06 ➟ the gazette
01 ➟ hellsing
03 ➟ kingdom hearts ii
04 ➟ nana
02 ➟ shinshi doumei cross
01 ➟ tsubasa: reservoir chronicles
01 ➟ vampire knight
03 ➟ xxxholic

some day you'll see me shine )
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