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кєι ❤ тιмe ѕтαɴdѕ ѕтιll ([info]lunareuphoria) wrote in [info]hushawards,
@ 2011-01-14 23:13:00

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Entry tags:! voting, theme: 070

Challenge 070; voting

  1. Vote for your favorite three icons in the order of preference like in this example; 50, 42, 67.
  2. Do not vote for your own entry; do not ask others to vote for your entry either.
  3. Voting ends on Sunday, January 16th Monday, January 17th (due to an error with one of the icons) @ 10:00 pm EST

1 2 3
4 5 6

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2011-01-16 01:30 am UTC (link)
The maker isn't available for me to ask to reupload the icon. I'll see if I can contact them.

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