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Below is information about the "нσиσя¢υρ - ѕнσω ѕσмє ℓσνє" community on LiveJournal. To join this community, click here. You may leave the community at any time.

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User:honorcup (11397)
Name:нσиσя¢υρ - ѕнσω ѕσмє ℓσνє

not all of the world is filled with hate.
THE MODERATORS· This community is run by [info]roark.

THE RULES·1. Graphics should be no larger than 600x400 and should be in either .gif, .jpeg or .png format.

2. Do not submit honors regarding children under 13.

3. Do not submit honors with private information, such as full name including last name, address, telephone number, pictures or screen name, UNLESS they are publicly accessible (userinfo, myspace, etc.) at the time of submission.

4. Save the honoring for the submission posts. The concept of this community becomes pointless when everyone reveals who submitted the honors.

5. DO NOT SUBMIT HONORS ABOUT YOURSELF. Nobody would know (some of us could probably guess), but you'd feel pretty lousy if you needed to make yourself an honor to boost your self-esteem. If we find out you've made an honor for yourself, or if it looks like it was made for yourself, we will delete it immediately.

6. Do not submit honors that contain nudity of a minor, nudity of minors can be considered Child Pornography. In this case, a minor is anyone under 18.


8. When nominating someone for the lj-cut of the week, please include the nominee's username and a quote/phrase/song lyric/whatever to be used as the lj-cut text. All we ask is that you keep the phrase clean. (i.e., no curse words, etc.)

9. For the time being we are allowing people to submit video honors. For more information on this, please click here.

INFO· Honors will be posted every Friday as long as there are at least fifteen honors. If there is not a sufficient amount then the honors from the previous week will be held until the next Friday post.

AFFILIATES· [info]flamecup[info]addme[info]scribbldfinds[info]promote

to become and affiliate, contact [info]roark here.
go show people some love
Maintainers:1: roark
Members:200: 1987, 61_keys_to_play, 6385, _____, ada, adore, aerith, akuma, alienfetus, amaz_za_zing, amourfully, anthem, armcandy, armsliketowers, ashly, atelier, audacity, batmanda, blackxbellax, blimey, blooms, blunted, boatwatcher, brena, british, bunnielove, butterface, canaduh, cannibal, caribakei, cecille, celebrate, charade, chelsie, cherish, chuckles, cityofevil, clydesdale, coasts, creeep, curiousvenus, danicalifornia, daydreams, deathsentence, delicately, demoned, dicamillo, disneyworld, djdanger, dollie, doubleindemnity, dust, dutchess, ebola, economics, eevee, eimii, enchanted_love, fallenscarlet, flamingoes, forgive, foxxy, franziska, freck, freebird, frontpunch, fuel, funk, gang, gentle, glamfully, headspin, heartfelt, highfidelity, higinia, hilary, himemiya, hitler, hollywoods, hotpocketman, how, humanitea, incandescente, incense, inspire, jackspicer, jade_priestess, jerks, jolteon, juggy, kagemaru, karma, keyblade, kiokushitaka, kirie, kissing, knightleys, laceandcream, langers, laughable, lawrencegordon, learntofloat, letsgetfresh, lipgloss, lolzers, lovers, lullaby, luvotomy, magickcauldron, mahasen, maps, mei, mightyheart, mixtapes, model, monkers, monument, nejjeh, nitro, nunnally, obliquelyrun, ocean, oopsies, oxycontin, pandolfo, party, peekieboo, pirouette, pocahontas, pocketsoul, poisonheart, policeacademy, popbottles, pure, pygmypuffle, rainbowpills, regret, religion, ricia, roark, romancee, rowie, rubbish, ruka, ryuuichi, santeria, scholar, sen, serotonin, sex_pancake, sexual, shawnee, shimmers, shinigami, shinimegami, shinobu, shoreline, slut, smellofautumn, smile, smoke, snapple, sonyaann, soulmix, sounds, speak_easyy, spellbound, spine, spliff, squishy, startrek, stxr, switchoff, sync, tankgirl, tea_party, teeth, tennessee, tingles, tinkerbell_, tinyteeth, tiptoes, true, twilights, tyciol, uhoh, unicorn, val0, valcion, vanity, wan, wasabi, whannell, wished, wolf, zebraflies, zombeh
Watched by:171: 61_keys_to_play, 6385, _____, adore, aerith, alienfetus, alliebon1415, amaz_za_zing, amour, anthem, armsliketowers, ashly, asshat, atelier, audacity, batmanda, blackxbellax, blimey, blooms, blueyeswhtdragn, blunted, boatwatcher, bounce, brena, british, bunnielove, callida, canaduh, caribakei, celebrate, chelsie, chuckles, cityofevil, clydesdale, coasts, coupe, curiousvenus, danicalifornia, daydreams, decapitation, delicately, dicamillo, djdanger, doubleindemnity, driveshaft, dust, dutchess, ebola, economics, eevee, eimii, enchanted_love, fallenscarlet, forgive, foxxy, freck, freebird, frontpunch, fuel, funk, gang, gentle, happybirthday, harlequin, headspin, heartfelt, highfidelity, higinia, hilary, himemiya, hitler, hollywoods, honormod, hotpocketman, how, humanitea, incandescente, infatuate, inspire, jackspicer, jade_priestess, jerks, jolteon, juggy, kagemaru, karma, katyo, kaycelei, keyblade, kiokushitaka, kirie, kissing, knightleys, laceandcream, langers, laughable, lawrencegordon, learntofloat, lolzers, lovers, lullaby, luvotomy, magickcauldron, mahasen, maps, mixtapes, monkers, monument, nejjeh, nunnally, obliquelyrun, oxycontin, pandolfo, party, peekieboo, pirouette, poisonheart, policeacademy, pygmypuffle, pyr0m4n14c, radar, rainbowpills, regret, religion, roark, romancee, roniah, rowie, rubbish, ruka, santeria, sen, serotonin, sex_pancake, sexual, shadowvulcan, shimmers, shinigami, shinobu, slut, smellofautumn, smile, snapple, songbird, soulmix, sounds, spellbound, spine, spliff, squishy, ...
Account type:Early Adopter

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