09 September 2010 @ 11:21 pm
Update on the Move  
So here's the deal. Sassy ported over the posts with lj-sec. Some of the tags didn't work and none of the comments moved over.

We should discuss as a group how we want to handle the comments. Would we like to googledoc them and add them to the bottom of posts? Do we want to re-do comments? Do we want to leave the comments where they are and consider it done (Sass has been hand saving many of these comments, so they won't be gone, we just won't have immediate access to them until we can figure out where to archive them (as an addendum, we're over our storage limit on the current archive site I have, so we can't add any more to it)).

Let's brainstorm here and come up with a consensus and how to handle old comments.

In the meanwhile, do feel free to continue working on posts that weren't finished on the old comm (here on the new site) and begin playing new things once your journals are set up.

And give Sassy lots of love because she's been working hard.
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Ajax/Aden[info]show_time on September 10th, 2010 11:44 am (UTC)
Yay Becky for starting us off on google docs! I went back but wasn't sure if we were doing some (Shell and Ai's characters.. c.c) or not.. so I've just started on threads my characters are in. But am happy to go back and do others too! XD
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Graves Hall Mod[info]gravesmod on September 10th, 2010 12:26 pm (UTC)
I'm letting people decide whether or not they want to delete threads in which they interacted with Shell and Ai's (and Elle's) characters.

You can let me or Sass know because either of us can delete them (since the mod journal can delete any post and I believe because Sass posted them with LJ-sec she can delete them too.

Personally, I've decided to delete all the ones involving me. I also deleted all the ones they did together, because it doesn't affect any else's story.

Glad to have you on board!
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[info]salemslot on September 13th, 2010 02:01 am (UTC)
You are awesome as well! I did my best to get everything. :)
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