18 January 2012 @ 09:47 pm
arimala: Legend of Korra clips make me want an avatar-like game.. people need to use their elements more in graves. XD
arimala: And not, you know, get arrested. :E
arimala: XD
Sass: Maybe that can be your next plot
Sass: An underground elemental fighting league out in the sticks xD
arimala: :D


Annoyingly, PB choice is making me shy away from Aden. But.. FIIIRE.
18 January 2012 @ 08:11 pm
Possibly due to a combination of Sherlocks, I've had the urge to play two Graves characters of late. Ajax, obviously.. and the other Illusionist I seem to have skipped in the move (I think I stupidly made him around that time and he was only in one thread which got lost. I don't think I remember his name properly either. XD But I remember some of my idea for him. Must have come up with it after Inception, thinking about it.)

Anyway.. there are some loose ends I'd like to tie up here still. I may need to do a cull of characters to make way for others. Sass mentioned she might bring her Meridian character over here. I'm considering the same for the kid I had over there. I don't know if anyone else is really interested, but I'd love to see things going here again. EVERYTHING. Believe it or not, I did have PLANS and PLOTS for characters. I'm never overly good at telling people about them, though. Which is a problem when you want them to happen.. rather than trying to steer things in certain directions. But with no direction, why go there? XD WOW. I'm rambling.

Regarding Ajax: He's technically in prison atm. It is my fault entirely that he never got there.. and that the crazy future Ajax/current Ajax LEO shooting mix up never happened. I think there were other things that happened that could have seen him in trouble that night too.. though I'm not sure what happened. *EYES NINA* Anyway, I believe the idea wound up being that Elliot may have been involved in implicating Ajax in the shooting (WITNEEESS) and that Ajax then takes it upon himself to get Elliot in there (as opposed to killing him - ROT IN THERE). Though I'm not entirely sure how that works. My idea was to have present Ajax broken out though. Then there was the idea that Morgan could somehow be involved in that.. 'cause she'd have NO idea. And who'd believe it, really? XD Anyway. IDK. But he has to get out MARK MY WORDS. (Though I do kind of want to go back and maybe finish off some of the things that happened around the time of him getting in there.) As for getting out, if he can, Miles would totally be one of the first people to visit. (SINCE HE WAS MEANT TO VISIT AJAX IN JAIL AND BE ALL 'SUCKS TO BE YOU'.) He would not have forgotten that. XD But disappearing WOULD be high on the list after that. I'm not entirely sure what his life will be.. other than nowhere near the same. He won't be able to be Ajax anymore, that's for sure.

Anywho. Enough about him. Other Illusionist - I think I may have called him Leslie. XD He's a SEKRIT AGENT. (What were they? ASPs?) So he has some sort of cover.. 'I'm an architect' or maybe something else building related. It makes sense, bear with me. XD Anyway, I'm not sure if this idea was even possible - and you'll see what I meant about Inception in a sec - but my idea was that he worked with a weaver to bring scenes and repressed memories and things they need people (people who are willing, I might add - I'm sure there are certain rules about poking around in people's heads and bringing things to not-quite-life that should be followed. That said, they may not have followed them all the time.) ANYWAY. The idea was, that the weaver went digging and.. I'm not sure if it's possible for them to then sort of weave what they've found, or the idea of what they've found for him as sort of a day dream.. or whether just verbal communication would have to do. But with the scene or whatever, he'd recreate it in 3D space.. so the person who had to remember or TELL or something.. would be in it. I don't know. XD Might not really work, but the idea was there.

It kind of went from there, though. I then had the idea that Rabiah was caught (btw she was kind of possesed by a demon who had been deprived of his body in that war a long time ago, and had been body hopping ever since. So, that's kind of why she's as nuts as she is. Anyway, this thing is hell bent on revenge when it comes to daemons and she was meant to be involved in these ritualistic killings.. and eventually caught. My idea was to have that demon swap to an ASP. In this case, Leslie's weaver partner.. which would end up getting her killed. (Not sure what would happen to poor Rabiah. I'm really not nice to my girls in this game. D:) I may have tapped away a little on my phone around NY a bit with him being sad about his partner's death. Though not that I remember it, he was meant to end up demon.. though nobody noticed. And in looking for a new partner, he was going to somehow convince people that Aislin would be a good choice, even though she's just a kid. Can't remember why. BECAUSE CLEARLY SHE NEEDS TO BE TRAUMATISED TOO. But tbh I didn't think I had anything nefarious planned. But I did have it in mind to possibly play him, still somehow possessed and not old/dead in Meridian. Not sure I thought that through, TBH.

Anyway, JFC. I've probably bored you all to tears.. or confused the crap out of you. But things don't have to go that way for those characters. I tend to get caught up in my own ideas.. and then want other people involved when I've made all this shit with my characters. SO. Maybe some of that can happen.. but then OTHER people can be involved and it can go OTHER places. XD

Aden.. I'd like something NICE to happen to her for once, to be honest. I've been completely horrible to her. But that said, I think she's pretty horrible to other people. So I'm not sure how that's going to work.

Esther.. considering just removing her or killing her off. She's lovely and all, but I just don't know what to do with her. Possibly the same with Istaqa, though I'd like something Werewolf to happen. He needs friends.. though I'm aware I failed at yet another thread with him. (I'm sorry, Carol. D:)

Kidface from Meridian. I had these kind of screwed up plans for their bunch.. even though the rest aren't technically characters. Again, another thing I've thought about but not INVOLVED. I'd like her to have other crims. Perhaps I'll go back and look at her 'crew' and see if anyone wants to pick anyone up (though they're honestly not that developed, so could be just make someone to be in that crew).

Rabiah, other than what I mentioned up there.. she's still a crazy, possessed pirate. I'm pretty sure if we wanted to pirate, she could plant ideas for places to go pirating which also relate to her(/his) search. OH YEAH. He was totally after that book. XD

I seem to be keeping all the insane characters and am considering culling the normal/nice ones. :/


(OMG sorry for all the TEXT.)
16 May 2011 @ 04:07 pm
Our polygroups have been taken down for inactivity. The Graves Hall one has a notice, but I'm just going to let them take it down. I didn't receive a notice for Beyond and I wrote them a very sarcastic letter, but it was mostly just to share my ire.

Since we've been really slow I don't know that there's a point to saving our polygroups. They're a neat idea, though not entirely useful and polyvore's activity policy makes keeping them live a chore. I've removed the links from the communities and you can absolutely continue to include sets in your threads; we just won't have an accompanying group to share them at random.
02 November 2010 @ 09:49 pm
It's that time of year again. Nanowrimo is upon us!

This usually means I take a month off from rp, write a novel, then come back in December just in time for holiday fun.

I'll still be here for modly duties, but I won't be doing much playing. Hopefully we'll kick off the end of the year with some exciting plots involving retiring prophets and disappearing stars!
29 September 2010 @ 02:23 pm
The NPC Journal  
During the course of moving the game over I only moved some of the npc journal. I wasn't sure which characters would still be used.

If you made a character that I didn't move over and you'd still like to use them, please do so (or let me know and I can do it).

Thank you!
20 September 2010 @ 11:51 am
I know it's long, please peruse at least.  
Not sure if this wasn't clear before, but we can start playing over here as soon as your journals are made (and have joined the community). I set the community up for adult concepts, so you have to put a base age into your journal's info page (which you can hide from view) before I can add your journal.

RP Bingo is up. If you want to play just ask for a card.

In other news you might have noticed we have a new sister community. You can officially blame Becky for this one. It's called [info]meridian and is based in the future from Graves Hall on the other continent (aptly called Meridian). Take a perusal if you like at the meridian tag on the mod journal. We haven't started play yet, but I imagine it'll be up and running pretty soon.

In other news in the process of moving the mod journal over here I did some housecleaning. I modified a few definitions, but nothing that affects anyone's current characters. For the most part I tried to tidy up the mod journal, since it was getting a little messy.

I still need to go through and add, subtract a few characters (since I know one or two of you have added one and dropped a few down to npc level). Just drop me a comment or an email and I'll make those changes as soon as you have the character information posted in your journals.

Last thing to note: the npc journals have the same password as before (as well as [info]gravenews which is for everyone's use), but I don't feel comfortable posting them in the journal. If you need it im me and I'll give it you.
19 September 2010 @ 10:28 pm
Love me, bitches!

(I totally mean bitches in an endearing way. ... c.c) <3!

Anyway, to the point - I've posted /almost/ all of the comments/threads in the community. I just did them as blocks rather than the individual comments - I think that would have done my head in tbh. Thank you Becky for putting most of them in google docs though! There are some threads I came across that weren't copied into google docs - I think they are being considered. I'll link to them in this post.. probably tomorrow when I can be bothered getting them all together. XD

BUT. I guess that means we're pretty much playable? :O

Edited Edit:

16 September 2010 @ 11:36 pm
RP Bingo - Rules and Cards  
1. Have fun!

2. One thread or log counts for 1 square only on your card. However, one thread can count as a square for more than one person playing (so if Sass and Becky play a thread about Elemental Brew they can both count that square off, or if Sara and Nina play a thread about Masquerade and Out all night, they can each decide which square they'd rather have count).

3. You can play for more than one bingo on your card. You can also go for broke and try for a blackout (playing every square on your card).

4. The center square is a wildcard and you can count any thread or log towards it, or pick your own prompt from the list.

5. There aren't really any prizes beyond having activity in the community again, but maybe we could make icons or art or fic for each other if anyone feels like being a prize peddling panda.

6. There are no deadlines for finishing your bingo and this could be an ongoing game if everyone is up to it. If you want a new card you'll have to beg me, because making them is a bit of a process.

7. If you want to keep track, please do so in the OOC and tag it with rp bingo. You can alter your card once you get it (crossing out squares you've finished in mspaint or whatever you like) as a visual guide, or simply list off what you have.

8. Again, have fun! I'm really looking forward to this game within the game!

Reply here for your card. I have them in png format and also as tables (if you'd rather edit them by hand as a journal entry). Ask for which you'd like (I can also give you both).

ETA: The images ended up bigger than they were last year and I'm not sure where I screwed them up. But hopefully they're still workable.
10 September 2010 @ 06:49 am
One more headache  
This one isn't so much of a big deal, but we're only allowed 100 tags on the community.

As a solution I'm debating removing the location tags. They're helpful, but I don't think they're completely necessary for browsing a storyline. Otherwise not all of the characters will have a tag.

Not going to lie, I shouldn't be surprised that we have that many characters. But we do. On both communities.

ETA: OMG. I went back through and fixed all the missing tags. We're almost at our 100 limit, so I didn't put tags on defunct characters whose players are no longer in the game (and I'll probably remove a few more if Joey says it's ok to delete a few threads he was involved in with some players that are no longer with us).

If we hit our limit again with new characters we'll find some way to deal with it. Because we're awesome.
09 September 2010 @ 11:21 pm
Update on the Move  
So here's the deal. Sassy ported over the posts with lj-sec. Some of the tags didn't work and none of the comments moved over.

We should discuss as a group how we want to handle the comments. Would we like to googledoc them and add them to the bottom of posts? Do we want to re-do comments? Do we want to leave the comments where they are and consider it done (Sass has been hand saving many of these comments, so they won't be gone, we just won't have immediate access to them until we can figure out where to archive them (as an addendum, we're over our storage limit on the current archive site I have, so we can't add any more to it)).

Let's brainstorm here and come up with a consensus and how to handle old comments.

In the meanwhile, do feel free to continue working on posts that weren't finished on the old comm (here on the new site) and begin playing new things once your journals are set up.

And give Sassy lots of love because she's been working hard.
09 September 2010 @ 11:19 pm
Welcome to Scribbld  
So welcome back. We're still working on porting posts over with the wonderful help of Sass (she's been tremendous in this effort, while I've been busting my balls on layouts and info pages and all that). So before we start going buck wild playing over here, let's hold off until we figure out what we're doing with the inksome parts of the game.

In the meantime:
Let us know what's changed since moving over here. Have you changed, dropped, or added characters? Did you shuffle journals around? Anything else? But most importantly:

Let's plot!

And go back and add more prompts to RP Bingo so I can get on that.
09 September 2010 @ 11:14 pm
I Still Want to RP Bingo  
So we had this idea in another game awhile back and it helped when things were slow to give us something to fall back on and generate ideas or play.

It's called RP Bingo.

Essentially everyone who wanted would get a card with 25 squares (24 prompts and one wildcard in the middle which could be pretty much anything). You just try to do five in a row and make a bingo out of your card; one thread or log per square. The prompts could be interpreted fairly liberally, this is just an idea to get us interested in Graves Hall again and playing like we used to.

So. Comment with ideas for prompts to fill in the squares. (If you're curious, the list for the other game). The prompts can be anything from the mundane to the ridiculous, so long as they inspire creativity!

Prompt List in Progress )

Just reposting this so it shows up on the top.
09 September 2010 @ 11:13 pm
Plot Check In  
The second part of our check ins from Inksome.

Check In 9 )

Check In 10 )

Check In 11 )

Check In 12 )

Check In 13 )

Check In 14 )

Check In 15 )
09 September 2010 @ 11:12 pm
Plot Check In  
We do occasional plot check-ins. Sass worked very hard to preserve our check-ins from Inksome. I'm copying and pasting her hard work here. I've edited out bits and pieces that are no longer pertinent to the game.

Check In 1 )

Check In 2 )

Check In 3 )

Check In 4 )

Check In 5 )

Check In 6 )

Check In 7 )

Check In 8 )
22 July 2010 @ 03:48 pm
New content  
LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]gravesmod)

Over the next few days I want to work on some parts of the mod journal that still look like crap (ie: the familiars pages. I hated them. I redid them).

I also added 3 new npcs. A parliament official. A lady LEO. And a prophet who's sick of seeing the future. Anyone can play them. I just felt semi-inspired and this is preventing me from making any more actual characters (when goodness knows I should just play the ones I have).

I also added some new content to the mod journal regarding societies within Aylasian Culture. And a tiny little post about all the silly acronyms that have been invented in our game.

Have a happy afternoon!
12 July 2010 @ 09:37 am
Possibly of interest  
LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]gravesmod)

I re-did the tagging system a bit.

I've added "!location:" to the beginning of places in the game so that they're all together and easier to find when tagging. I also added "!" to the beginning of other non-character tags (such as "letters"). Finally I deleted some errant tags and fixed misspelled ones.

I'll go through and fix all the links that lead to tags later once I've finished my overhaul.

On a side note my computer was glomped by an unfriendly virus and I'm borrowing Joey's until I can get it looked at (and hopefully fixed with minimal loss). Thanks for bearing with me!
31 May 2010 @ 05:05 am
Plot Check in #15  
LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]gravesmod)

We've been very quiet lately. It might help us to remember where we left off before we pick back up to start summer play. So let us know what you've been up to since our last check in.

(If we want or need we can try to do a plot chat or just a plot generation post here in the ooc: let me know).
14 March 2010 @ 07:50 pm
LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]weathertofly)


So.. finally introducing my werewolf! There's a thread - feel free to respond with anyone who might be around the academy of an early evening. Although given recent events there might still be LEOs about (which could also be fun if anyone wanted to npc one of them. Practically naked werewolf dude hanging around a school. NOT SUS AT ALL.)

05 March 2010 @ 11:06 am
Just a heads up  
LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]gravesmod)

Inksome has been having some financial issues from what I could gather from this news post.

At the moment what this means is that our icon allotments, as we're all a bunch of free users will go down to 10 icons per journal. This is a pain for some of us (who have multiple characters on one journal), but it's not the end of the world. This may take effect on April 1st if things don't turn around, but I wasn't real clear on that point. It might be happening regardless. I figured you kids might like to know so you can figure out what to do with your icons should they be axed down to 10.

We've certainly been through worse times. Should Inksome close (which from the sounds of it would only happen in April 2011 if the money continues to leak, so we would have decently advanced warning) we'll try to find another home. I'd rather not spend another long winter on googledocs, but this is all in the far distant future so I'm not even going to think about it.
07 February 2010 @ 05:05 am
Two Things  
LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]gravesmod)

1. I killed a defunct character (since the player never got back to us for over a year and didn't leave any sort of wishes for how it should be handled). This generated all kind of story I think, since it's a BIG DEAL that a student was murdered in the Salem Academy dorms. Please feel free to have your characters react or freak out.

2. Girls and their clothes. I made us a polyvore group if you want to join and share your character sets: Graves on Poly. Since we're not addicted to it or anything.