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Robin (Dick Grayson) ([info]ihackedthem) wrote in [info]glowsite,
@ 2011-03-26 16:20:00

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Entry tags:ace, dani

[voice/in person]
[watch Robin cautioouussllyy make his way across the cave floor. His goal is the lake, but feel free to freak him out intercept him.]

[muttering to himself] I hope wildest dreams means 'finding an exit', because that's my biggest dream right now. ...And who calls people darling?

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[in person]
2011-03-26 08:36 pm UTC (link)
[that's a lack of comprehension, isn't it? He gets that a lot]

[have a torrent of growl-whine-chirp that sounds like a question, then a sigh]

[the badger claws briefly at the stone wall, leaving 'check what?' carved into the surface]

[oh, and it looks like he's well on his way to tunneling through solid stone]

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[in person]
2011-03-27 03:38 pm UTC (link)
[and then-] Hey, wait!

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Re: [in person]
2011-03-27 04:21 pm UTC (link)
[you have a badger looking at you expectantly]

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[in person]
2011-03-28 01:04 am UTC (link)
[batman never taught him this]

You can understand me right?

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Re: [in person]
2011-03-28 01:08 am UTC (link)
[the badger nods...and just to make a point, scratches 'yes' into the wall with one claw]

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[in person]
2011-03-28 01:13 am UTC (link)
That's...so cool. A badger that can write...and can speak...[realizes that those earlier sounds were just an attempt at talking.]

What's your name? I'm Robin.

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Re: [in person]
2011-03-28 01:21 am UTC (link)
[the badger utters a sort of whistling whine that aaaaaalmost sounds like a word]


[...almost sounded like that word, actually]

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[in person]
2011-03-28 01:25 am UTC (link)
Fuuuzzee...? Fuzzy? Did I get it right?

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Re: [in person]
2011-03-28 01:56 am UTC (link)
[enthusiastic nodding! You got it right]

[one claw points at you] Ruh-aaaaww-buh-iiiihnnnn. [claw points at the badger's chest] Ffffuuuzzzzeeee.

[for a badger, he looks inordinately pleased with himself]

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