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Fuzzy ([info]justabadger) wrote in [info]glowsite,
@ 2011-03-25 07:30:00

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Entry tags:!!action, dani, fuzzy

Strawberry fields forever...or, for the time being [in person]
A badger can be seen in the strawberry patch by the farm. It looks mostly like an ordinary badger, but maybe half again as big. Those very familiar with the species would quickly see that this specimen looks slightly....off. Limbs shaped slightly differently, head maybe a touch too big, snout not quite the right proportions. Nothing that absolutely screams 'something's wrong', but enough to wonder what the fur's hiding.

The badger seems to be looking for someone, going up on its hind legs briefly and glancing around before dropping back to all fours and galumphing along again.

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2011-03-27 12:36 am UTC (link)
Dani blinked, processing that, mouth moving across the syllables as she tied them together. That, at least, was an easy word, if not necessarily an easy meaning.

"I can't dig like that," she said, brows knitting together slightly. "But it's good that you can. Maybe you can dig a way out!"

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2011-03-27 12:44 am UTC (link)
The badger's snout works as he searches for something he can pronounce. After a bit, he gives up and scratches on the wall.

dig sleep-place?


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2011-03-27 01:13 am UTC (link)
--Oh! That's what he meant! That makes a lot more sense. She brightens visibly at the idea.

"I get it! Yeah! That'd be awesome," she says. "It's hard to sleep with all the lights up. I was just going to try to put my coat over my face."

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2011-03-27 01:20 am UTC (link)
The badger nods and scratches again.

show where?

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2011-03-27 06:51 pm UTC (link)
Dani considers it, looking around. She wants somewhere relatively secluded, not near the shops... Well, the farm was pretty quiet, and it was near all the best kinds of food...

She nods, heading over to a secluded part of the farm. "How about here?" Dark, fruit, away from most foot traffic. Seemed like a good plan.

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2011-03-27 07:41 pm UTC (link)
The badger sniffs the ground, pats it, and nods.

"Tuh-aaaay-kuh tuh-iiiiiimmm."

Badger claws send dirt flying as he clears down to the bedrock; not too far, as this seems to be the edge of the farm.

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2011-03-27 09:39 pm UTC (link)
Another few seconds of pause as Dani ran through the syllables again, figuring it out. It was probably harder than she knew to speak human when you were a badger, but she appreciated the effort.

"I don't mind waiting," she replied. Patience, by way of being too lazy to care about most other things, was definitely one of her stronger virtues.

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2011-03-27 10:33 pm UTC (link)
Digdigdigdig...oh look, bare stone! The badger goes into a flurry of fussy activity, marking out the dimensions to be dug out and clearing the dirt away. In a gesture of tidiness, however, the loose dirt gets piled up on one side in a fairly impressive mound, packed down neatly.

Before he starts on the actual rock, though, he turns to his new friend curiously.


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2011-03-28 08:22 pm UTC (link)
Well, that was an easy one. "Dani," she offered, accompanying it with a weird sort of smile that didn't show any teeth.

"What about you?" Since she couldn't just go around calling him 'the talking badger', even if it was a pretty apt description of him.

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2011-03-28 08:41 pm UTC (link)
The badger utters a sort of whining birdcall sounding trill. How does he do that with those fangs? It sounds vaguely like-

"Ffffuuuuhzzzeeee." - that. He gives an awkward badger-grin. D'-aaaahnnnneeee.

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2011-03-28 08:50 pm UTC (link)
Fuzzy. That's a cute name for him. Suited him, too.

"Fuzzy," Dani repeated, making sure she'd gotten it right. Even if he was a badger, getting his name wrong would be pretty impolite. "It's very fitting!"

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2011-03-28 08:56 pm UTC (link)
Fuzzy ducks his head shyly and begins clawing at the center of the oval he's marked out, curls and chips of stone flying to pile up behind him. This is going to take quite a while, it looks like.

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2011-03-30 03:08 am UTC (link)
Dani's content with waiting. She is going to get up and meander around the farm, though, gathering up some other various fruits and vegetables she doesn't mind eating plain and without bothering to wash. No carrots, but she'll take a few of those tomatoes... the watermelon is too big to be practical, but she'll grab some sugar snap peas and make a basket out of her hoodie and fill it with berries. Do badgers eat fruit and vegetables? Either way, she's got enough to share when she sits back down.

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2011-03-30 09:38 am UTC (link)
When she gets back, the marked-out area has been dug down to about half a foot at the edge and almost two in the center. Fuzzy doesn't even notice you, his little badger arms working furiously fast and the tip of his little pink badger tongue sticking out one side of his snout.

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2011-04-04 08:38 pm UTC (link)
Man, Dani never thought of badgers as being particularly cute, but this one is definitely winning her over. She'll take a sentient badger over a puppy any day.

For now, though, she doesn't mind waiting for Fuzzy to take a break and eat some of the food. It seems she's a bit of a bottomless pit.

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2011-04-04 10:51 pm UTC (link)
She's going to be there a while - he won't mind if she wanders off for a few hours. He's just going to keep digging unless she gets his attention somehow.

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2011-04-05 06:35 pm UTC (link)
Eventually, she will wander off, in large part because she needs to find a bathroom-- and doing it near Fuzzy seems extremely impolite.

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2011-04-09 01:14 am UTC (link)
When she comes back, he's got a good few feet of narrow, slanting tunnel hollowed out. And he seems to be humming contentedly. Still, might want to find another place to sleep for the night unless you find alien humming and scratchscratchscratchscratchscratchscratchscratchscratch soothing.

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