08 August 2009 @ 11:30 am
Hey guys, I've been noticing that we've sort of slowed down the activeness and that is no fun! I realize that there aren't loads of characters to plot with and no real plot to go by, SO. If anybody has any mini plot suggestions or anything, please, comment here and we'll throw it out there.

In other news, don't forget about the activity check! Everyone must respond by the end of August 10th or else...DUN DUN DUN.

Aaaaand that's all for now!
05 August 2009 @ 11:39 pm

Really all there is to say about Tom is that he is a creepy creeper who likes creeping and yet is really good at charming people into loving him and doing whatever he wants. Mostly because he makes his pouty face (see icon) and really who can resist that? I KNOW I COULDN'T. UM SO. Tom loathes muggleborns with the fire of a billion suns but doesn't show it, because he is trying to maintain the image of AWESOME STUDENT. He is evil, OBVS, but he is REALLY SENSITIVE OKAY and likes poetry and long walks on the lake under the moooonlight. IN his spare time he likes to try and tame the Basilik in the chamber of secrets, because he is a WEIRDO. He also thinks that he and Minerva McGonagall should make beautiful little pureblood babies together and rule the world, but you know, one step at a time.


03 August 2009 @ 11:01 pm
HAY GUYS SUP. It's time for an ACTIVITY CHECK. By August 10th, everyone must have at least ONE thread and ONE journal entry. Comment here with links to both, and we'll cross your name off the LIST OF DOOM.

29 July 2009 @ 04:56 pm
Hi y'all! I'm Chelsy, but most everyone on the internet calls me Chela. Liz pimped this game and I thought it was pretty awesome, so here I am-- and I brought Cormac with me!

His name's Cormac Bagman and he's a seventh year Hufflepuff (and is a beater on their Quidditch team!). He has two older brothers in the Royal Air Force and he wants to join once he leaves Hogwarts. He also has a little sister, Saoirse, who is a 4th year Gryffindor and he will kill you if you try anything with her. He's very protective of his family and looks up to them very much. Cormac also loves sports of any kind, so play with him; he doesn't like just sitting around twiddling his thumbs, but likes being up and about. He's opinionated but not too forceful about it, and is an advocate of civil rights-- he most definitely doesn't understand how Hitler could think anything he's doing is moral.

Uhm yeah that's all I can think of off the top of my head. Cormac has plenty of friends so let's figure this out, yeah? You can reach me at our problematique on AIM. :]

23 July 2009 @ 10:59 pm
Hey guys! I'm Amanda, bringing you a Mr Oscar Boot! He's in his seventh year at Hogwarts and he belongs to Ravenclaw. He love love loves to learn new things but he has to try oh so hard just to get the grades he does, and even they aren't spectacular. The highest he's ever got is an E in herbology on his O.W.L tests so he's striving to get some more this year! He is an orphan (both of his parents have died in the war) who is under the care of a middle aged man he calls Great Uncle Walter, although they're not actually related, he was just evacuated there when the war began.

He's a decent guy - nice, appreciates a good joke and likes to smoke (but he'll do it on the grounds and alone, of course) but sometimes he can be very shy and nervous. He'll stumble, stutter, wring his hands - you know, the usual signs of a socially inept young man. It's all good though. Some people are used to it (close friends - need some!) but others are not (need some of these also!). Basically, if you want to learn more about his history or personality, his application is here!

Friends, enemies, girls for him to be an embarrassing fool around, rivals etc. etc. etc. He needs them all and I love to plot. I'm very open-minded. If you want to get a hold of me, I'm on AIM at mon nander. Look forward to roleplaying! (:
23 July 2009 @ 03:34 pm

That means that we are officially


So, get to plotting, get to playing and RUN THE FRIEND BUTTON!

The train will leave tomorrow, and there will be a post about it in the main rping comm! WHEEE!!!
21 July 2009 @ 09:44 am
Hello all, it's Michelle (mod, Olive Hornby) with a second lovely character. MEET JONATHAN CAPPER.

Jon is a muggle-born 7th year Ravenclaw who is basically super nerd. He loves to study, thoroughly enjoys his classes, reads comic books all the time, and he is very socially awkward. He's quite lovable, though, and if anyone were to come to him with problems, he'd be able to come up with a solution. He's sort of a student guidance counselor. That is, if he can speak to you without stuttering, which is unlikely if you're of the female variety. He does not like it one bit when there are talks of the war, because his brother and sister are both part of it, and will get really upset and angry if anyone brings it up around him.


IN OTHER NEWS, I'm going on vacaaation tomorrow and won't be back until the 28th. LONG TIME. I will try to get on as much as a can, but the likelihood of that is slim. WHO KNOWS. Anywho, I WILL MISS YOU ALLLLL.
20 July 2009 @ 11:14 pm
Hello all! It looks like you've got two Slytherin girls in a row! Lucky or...not?

I'm Kathryn, and currently contenting myself with a single character (we'll see how long that lasts!). This is Audrey Flint. Big on ambitions, short on pocket money. She's an excellent student, obnoxious over-joiner of clubs, and as pureblood as they come. Her family, alas, is not up to her exacting standards. They reside in a rather dilapidated castle and much of the family conversations tend to revolve around tales of the family's Better Days before they were struck down by the Shame of Penury. Or other, suitably dramatic, stories of woe.

I LOVE character connections and backstory! Hit me up with anything. Enemies, friends, failed romances, unrequited crushes, academic rivals, begrudging lab partners! Everything is delightfully fun. Can't wait to get to know you all!
20 July 2009 @ 05:26 pm
Hi! I'm new. I'm also Dee. (Important points: old enough to know better, and in Australia so beware low-flying timezone differences.)

This is Druella, also known as Dru, Miss Rosier, Evan's cousin, or that scandalous harlot. You can read the full outrage here, but the pertinent points are that she's 7th year Slyth, and one of those golden misbehavers who always seems to be having the most fun. She likes men, gin, cigarettes and fun, and dislikes being bored and prissy people. She is saucy, winsome, catty, wicked, completely irrepressible... in a word: trouble.

And she needs backstory, relationships, connections of all kinds! I am open to just about anything, so prod away!
20 July 2009 @ 02:21 am
Hello all! (It is two in the morning here, but whatever)

So, I have a few things I would like to tell you all! FIRST, we have a new player/character! We have Dee, bringing us Druella Rosier, a seventh year slytherin girl!! SO RUN THE FRIEND BUTTON!!!! Also, this means we have seven characters out of our ten! WE'RE ALMOST THERE, YESS!!

Second, I have a note about strikethroughs. This is readable. This is unreadable. Yes, I know it's more tags, but it makes things more FUN, doesn't it? I think so. Yes.

THIRDLY, if you could all go to the contact info post (in the mod journal) and leave a comment with your name, character(s) and screen name so I can add you to the table, that'd be great! THANK YOU DARLINGS!
17 July 2009 @ 09:11 pm
Hey there, all! I'm Victoria, the resident n00b.

And this is my guy, Abraxas Malfoy. Before you start making any assumptions, he is actually quite different from the latter generations of Malfoys most people seem to be familiar with. He's a lot nicer, for one, and not nearly as open about being a prick prejudiced. Also, he has no problem talking to people from other houses nor being their friends. More info can be found at his profile, which is on his journal.

If you feeling like chatting someone up for a plot, or just a random conversation, you can reach me at headful of dust on AIM. I haven't actually played in an HP game for a loooong time, but they were my first games, so bear with me if I'm rusty! This is gonna be awesome!
12 July 2009 @ 09:24 pm
HEEYYY BBS. This is my new boyyyy Rudy Steiner!! He is a seventh year Puff, and loves to meet people and be awesome. He doesn't like Hitler or Nazis, but likes just about everything else. HE NEEDS FRIENDS. BE HIS FRIEND.
12 July 2009 @ 06:58 pm

I'm Nora!
And this is Renee Allan.

Tom boy. Rule breaker. She's a pretty cool gal if I do say so myself.

12 July 2009 @ 02:05 pm
Hey guys! You should ADVERTISE!

I put up ads in a lot of different communities, but there's still more communities out there that I don't know about, and you probably do! SO, copy and paste this code and post it to those communities!

09 July 2009 @ 09:20 pm

Right now in the game, it's late August in 1942, and it will continue to be late august until we get ten characters, at which time we will open, and the official date in the game will be August 30th. So in the meantime, feel free to start posting with owls and journal entries about their summer/being excited for the upcoming year.

ALSO, if you choose to pick up another character, (something we highly encourage!), feel free to do so! BUT, they MUST be of the opposite gender, of your current character, and cannot be in the same year and house either. ALSO, please, no more Gryffindors at the moment. We have four already.

We hope to see more characters, and tell your friends to join! SO WE CAN HAVE LOTS OF FUN. YAY!

<3, the mods.
09 July 2009 @ 10:53 am

I'm Lyss.
I play Alfred Potter, who's basically like James Potter, except without the Marauders to hold him back, so he's even MORE of an arrogant prick. AWESOME. The thing to remember, though, is that he is completely soft at heart. His favorite animals are kittens, for example. Yeah. I know. Weird. He tried to join the army once, and he breaks bones at least twice a year. More like once a month. He's clumsy and takes too much advantage of the fact that in the magical world, your bones can be broken and healed in seconds flat. He is a chaser just like his son will be, and love love loves Gryffindor a lot. He is kind of a poster boy for it, actually, which is cute. Alfred wanted to join the army at age fifteen, but wasn't let to. He likes things like girls, smoking/drinking with the guys, Quidditch...he's very uncomplicated. He's a boy everyone loves with possibly the potential to do more.

IT'S createasensation, and I'm there when I'm not at work, SO HIT ME UUUP.
09 July 2009 @ 10:50 am
HI. I'm the other mod, Michelle/Elle, and I'm cool. IDK.

I have Olive Hornby, who is a certifiably crazy sixth year Gryffindor. She's loud, obnoxious, careless, an adrenaline junkie, and will beat you to a pulp if you cross her. She's the best damn seeker around, in her opinion, and she doesn't care about what other people think of her being on the quidditch team and her less than appropriate behavior when it comes to boys. She is a total attention seeker, mostly due to the fact that she is a triplet and one of her brothers was very sickly so she never got much attention as child. One of her favorite hobbies is picking on Myrtle.

My aim is its the renegade if anybody has any mod worthy questions or just wants to talk, but the likelihood I'll be on is pretty slim, due to a crazy internet connection.

09 July 2009 @ 02:28 am

My name is Jessi, and I am one of your lovely mods! Haha, is that conceited? Maybe just a little. ANYWAY, I play Minerva McGonagall, and she's a pretty cool gal! She likes to have fun and she likes to hang out with people and she likes to do things her own way. Really. She's very particular things, and doesn't work well in groups. Oh well.

So, you can hit me up on aim at wonkyfinger and be sure to check the mod journal ([info]gardenmod) for updates and stuff! The game will open when we have 10 members, so tell your friends and get people to join! I really want this to be an AWESOME FUN game, okay? Okay!