NextGen Future Universe

February 24th, 2011

A favor...or a question? @ 08:17 pm

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Date: February 25th, 2011 03:58 am (UTC)
"...Casting a warding spell and hurrying to not be late, I assume." Her own expression acquiesces that she did, indeed, walk right into that one.
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Date: February 25th, 2011 04:10 am (UTC)
"That whole Order Magic Preparedness thing you've got going is pretty hot, Abby. Just in case no one's ever mentioned that." Alex grins.

"I'll be back in an hour with a car and flowers, ready to go." he says.
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Date: February 25th, 2011 04:13 am (UTC)
"I'll see you then."

NextGen Future Universe