Abby chuckles slightly. "I can lend you a few books if you want to give it a try some time. Just don't trust anything by those nutty Von Daeniken fans... unless you want to hear about how Superman was worshipped in ancient Sumeria."
(no subject) @ 04:34 am
withacommitment commented on full_arsenal's post in futureverse:
Abby chuckles slightly. "I can lend you a few books if you want to give it a try some time. Just don't trust anything by those nutty Von Daeniken fans... unless you want to hear about how Superman was worshipped in ancient Sumeria."
Abby chuckles slightly. "I can lend you a few books if you want to give it a try some time. Just don't trust anything by those nutty Von Daeniken fans... unless you want to hear about how Superman was worshipped in ancient Sumeria."