NextGen Future Universe

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(no subject) @ 04:22 am

[info]ifmemoryserves commented on [info]shrinkingviolet's post in [info]futureverse:

"No, he was awesome. And he didn't just read my mind because he could like Dad normally does. I know it feels like he doesn't care, Vi, but he does. He really does. He loves you tons.

But I think he's trying to keep us safe from whatever he's doing out there. He doesn't talk about that, either." Ronnie says, pausing to think a bit.

"Funny, when I ask Dad about my mom or Aunt Luna, he changes the subject, but he gets this funny gleam in his eye that he doesn't think I can see. He's also very careful not to let me touch his bare skin, because he knows I'll figure it out, too. Oh, wow." Ronnie says.

"I could find out what Aunt Luna won't tell you and then let you read my mind!" Ronnie says, hitting upon an idea.


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NextGen Future Universe