He took the saw and looked at the dulled edge. "Metal is so last century," he said. "I bet I could whip up a laser cutter. You'd get cleaner, smoother edges and you'd never have to worry about it going dull."
(no subject) @ 03:03 am
i_asked_grandpa commented on baringbones's post in futureverse:
He took the saw and looked at the dulled edge. "Metal is so last century," he said. "I bet I could whip up a laser cutter. You'd get cleaner, smoother edges and you'd never have to worry about it going dull."
He took the saw and looked at the dulled edge. "Metal is so last century," he said. "I bet I could whip up a laser cutter. You'd get cleaner, smoother edges and you'd never have to worry about it going dull."