Floral Summoner Graphics' Journal [entries|friends|calendar]
Floral Summoner Graphics

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003~ Awards [17 Mar 2008|11:49am]

[ mood | accomplished ]

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~001-First post: Welcome to Floralsummoner Graphics/Friends Only [17 Mar 2008|11:32am]

[ mood | cheerful ]

Ok this is the graphics journal of [info]aerith it is friends only, you need to join the community to be able to see the entries here, I hope that you enjoy them. there aren't many rules here, but one that may be either most important or just most stressed, is that you do NOT claim my work to be your own, thank you very much. Some things may take less time than others, but I still work hard on each thing I do, so I would very much appreciate if you didn't try to claim it as yours. thank you...that is all for now.

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