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Below is information about the "Flamecup @ Scribbld" community on LiveJournal. To join this community, click here. You may leave the community at any time.

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User:flamecup (11287)
Name:Flamecup @ Scribbld

THE MAINTAINERS- Flamecup is run by [info]kiokushitaka & [info]strawberrytea

1. Do not submit a flame if it is posted under a FRIENDS ONLY entry in a journal; OR with private information, such as their full name, phone number, address, or screenname- unless they are publicly accessible. Entries from members only communities are fair game since all you have to do to view them is join the comm.

➥1a. If a flame is violating your privacy, you have to be logged in to request that it be removed. I'm not friends with all of you, so I can't tell if someone's just trying to outsmart the system and have flames about their friends removed. For best results, you must be the person who's privacy is being violated.

2. We do not accept racism here, so do not post a flame regarding anyone's race.

3. In addition to racism, we also do not accept religious discrimination. So leave it at home, guys.

5. You may not create a flame including nudity of a minor. They can be considered child pornography.

6. Don't sign your flames. The whole point is to be anonymous. If you have the balls to sign your flame, then go over to [info]bitchbook.

7. Please upload your flame from websites such as Tinypic, Imageshack or Photobucket. If your image violates these sites' rules, you're shit outta luck. Also, only give us the direct link url.

AFFILIATES- [info]honorcup, [info]promote, [info]alist, [info]harsh, [info]regal, [info]machete, [info]scribbldfinds.
Maintainers:1: kiokushitaka
Members:258: 1987, 61_keys_to_play, 872007, _____, _bden_, ada, adammonroe, adiklein, adore, afireinside, aheroemerges, alienfetus, amazings, amour__x, amourfully, anatomy, anthem, arrested, ashly, aspire, asshat, atelier, athena, atma, avid, ballerina, ballet, bananapancakes, barrie, baser, batmanda, bbgood, bitch, blackxbellax, blooms, blunted, boatwatcher, bohemian, bootyshorts, brena, bunnielove, butterface, caffeine, calms, canaduh, cannibal, caribakei, cec, cecille, celebrate, centralia, chaostheory, chaotic, charade, chelsie, cherish, chuckles, clandenstine, coasts, comfortablynumb, coroner, creeep, danicalifornia, daydreams, deathsentence, desiired, dirtyjersey, disneyworld, dispwned, djdanger, dollie, dontbeafascist, doubleindemnity, drug, dust, dutchess, ebola, economics, eevee, erzulie, et, fallenscarlet, faq, fenriz, feuerfrei, fiasco, forgive, foxxy, franziska, freck, freebird, frontpunch, fucker, fuel, funk, gang, gaybars, gentle, graceymaid, grindcore, gulf, gutterslut, heartbeat, heartbeats, heartest, heartshapecandy, highfidelity, higinia, hilary, himemiya, hitler, hollywoods, honestmistake, hotpocketman, how, humanitea, incandescente, incense, inspire, isurrender, jackspicer, jade_priestess, jealous, jerks, joyrides, juggy, kagemaru, kaibamokuba, karamazov, kaycelei, keyblade, killmedead, kiokushitaka, kissing, kissys, langers, latedrives, lawrencearms, lawrencegordon, leigh, letsgetfresh, liable, lily_cdj, lindynicole, lipgloss, littlebird, lizzterror, lovers, lullaby, magickcauldron, maniac, maps, mei, meiosis, mightyheart, millicent_angel, mixtapes, model, morning, nejjeh, nunnally, ocean, octoberfields, oneliners, oopsies, opheliac, oxycontin, pandolfo, party, peekieboo, perpetual, pirouette, pocahontas, pocketsoul, poetics, poisonheart, policeacademy, pollard, popbottles, porcelain_sky, pure, pygmypuffle, rainbowpills, redeemer, religion, risky, roads, roark, rubbish, ruka, rumors, saekuto, samfogarino, sanctified, sanrio, santeria, seashore, sen, serotonin, sex_pancake, sexual, sexuality, sexytime, shades, shawnee, shessohollywood, shimmers, shinigami, shoreline, siriuslysnape, slut, smellofautumn, smoke, smoothie, snapple, songbird, sonyaann, sounditout, sounds, speak_easyy, spellbound, spine, spliff, squishy, startrek, stxr, succubus, switchoff, sync, tastygreenmint, tea_party, techno, teeth, tennessee, tilt, tingles, tinkerbell_, tinyteeth, tiptoes, tonberry, totempoletempo, tragus, true, twilightcircus, twilights, unicorn, val0, vanity, verse, vikings, wan, wasabi, whannell, wolf, zebraflies, zombeh
Watched by:216: 61_keys_to_play, 872007, _____, adammonroe, adiklein, adore, aheroemerges, alienfetus, alliebon1415, amour, amour__x, anatomy, anthem, arrested, ashly, aspire, asshat, atelier, athena, atma, avid, ballerina, ballet, bananapancakes, barrie, baser, batmanda, blackxbellax, blooms, blueyeswhtdragn, blunted, boatwatcher, bootyshorts, brena, bunnielove, caffeine, callida, canaduh, caribakei, celebrate, centralia, chaotic, chelsie, chuckles, clandenstine, clydesdale, coasts, coroner, cultured, danicalifornia, daydreams, decapitation, desiired, dispwned, djdanger, dontbeafascist, doubleindemnity, driveshaft, drug, dust, dutchess, ebola, economics, eevee, erzulie, et, fallenscarlet, fenriz, feuerfrei, forgive, foxxy, freck, freebird, frontpunch, fucker, fuel, funk, gang, gaybars, gentle, graceymaid, grindcore, gulf, gutterslut, happybirthday, harlequin, heartbeat, heartbeats, heartest, heartshapecandy, highfidelity, higinia, hilary, himemiya, hitler, hollywoods, honestmistake, hotpocketman, how, humanitea, incandescente, infatuate, inspire, jackspicer, jade_priestess, jealous, jerks, joyrides, juggy, juuhachigou, kagemaru, kaibamokuba, karamazov, katyo, kaycelei, keyblade, killmedead, kiokushitaka, kissing, langers, latedrives, lawrencearms, lawrencegordon, lily_cdj, lindynicole, lizzterror, lovers, lullaby, magickcauldron, maps, millicent_angel, mixtapes, morning, nejjeh, nunnally, octoberfields, oxycontin, pandolfo, party, peekieboo, pirouette, poetics, poisonheart, policeacademy, pollard, popbottles, porcelain_sky, pygmypuffle, radar, rainbowpills, ...
Account type:Early Adopter

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