fireflies → → icons + other various fanworks

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fireflies → → icons + other various fanworks


September 23rd, 2008


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If you want to go add it, be my guest. There's an affiliates post already up there somewhere (don't feel like linking), so if you want to affiliate, again, be my guest. I hope to have a post up sometime soon. I'll also probably be reposting all the icons posted here, assuming I remember.

July 26th, 2008

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Hahaha, even for me this is a big dump. D: I am never making that many icons again fffff. P.S. Betcha can't guess who my favorite FF7 character is! >>;

( 1-66 ) Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core
( 67-87 ) Revolutionary Girl Utena
( 88-129 ) Tales of the Abyss
( 130-148 ) xxxHOLiC
( 149-210 ) Tsubasa: RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE (possible spoilers)
( 215-230 ) Tokyo Babylon (two RG Veda crossover)
( 231-234 ) X/1999


old news can change as memories float downstream )

→ comment/credit to [info]doodles or [info]fireflies if taking.
→ don't alter these.
don't hotlink.
→ comment anywhere to affiliate.
→ feel free to friend the community.
→ enjoy.

June 11th, 2008

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IT HAS BEEN... -COUNTS ON FINGERS- THREE MONTHS SINCE MY LAST UPDATE! DDD: THERE IS SOMETHING VERY WRONG HERE. -cough- Anyway, it's good to finally post this! @o@ So many ancient icons.

( 1-19 ) Sweeney Todd
( 20-29 ) Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann
( 30-45 ) X/1999
( 46-51 ) xxxHOLiC
( 99-161 ) Final Fantasy VII (original game & artwork, Crisis Core, fanart)


i'll sing until it hurts. )
→ comment/credit to [info]doodles or [info]fireflies if taking.
→ don't alter these.
don't hotlink.
→ comment anywhere to affiliate.
→ feel free to friend the community.
→ enjoy.

April 16th, 2008


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downloadmegaupload (my apologies to whom megaupload is a dickhead -- I would have loved to up this on mediafire... but that thing has some unexplainable GRUDGE against me).

Tracks and WHY ON EARTH I PUT THEM ON THIS THING and hosnap ICONS!!1! behind the cut~ )

March 23rd, 2008

one eighty.

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It's been far too long, icon journal~! ♥

( 1-59 ) Final Fantasy VII
( 60-110 ) Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicles SPOILERS FOR RECENT CHAPTERS
( 111-119 ) X/1999
( 120-133 ) Tokyo Babylon
( 134-148 ) Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann
( 149-167 ) Revolutionary Girl Utena
( 168-182 ) Tales of the Abyss


a subtle kiss that no one sees. )

→ comment/credit to [info]doodles or [info]fireflies if taking.
→ don't alter these.
don't hotlink.
→ comment anywhere to affiliate.
→ feel free to friend the community.
→ enjoy.

February 15th, 2008

one seventy-three.

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First post, whoo. \o/ Big dump, haha. Prrrobably not dial-up friendly.

( 1-42 ) Final Fantasy VII (fanart, Crisis Core)
( 43-57 ) Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann (fanart)
( 58-76 ) Kingdom Hearts
( 77-105 ) Tales of the Abyss
( 106-108 ) xxxHOLiC
( 109-133 ) Tsubasa: Reservoir Chronicles
( 134-150 ) Tokyo Babylon
( 151-156 ) Chobits
( 157-168 ) Revolutionary Girl Utena
( 169-173 ) X/1999
( 173 ) Total


we'll always know that you shine brighter than anyone does. )

→ comment/credit to [info]doodles or [info]fireflies if taking.
→ don't alter these.
don't hotlink.
→ comment anywhere to affiliate.
→ feel free to friend the community.
→ enjoy.
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