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Dresden Academy: A Harry Potter Universe Game for OCs [03 Aug 2011|01:12am]

Dresden Academy
Dresden Academy is a new model of magical education for young wizards and witches, hidden away from curious eyes in the beautiful Adirondacks of Upstate New York. Run by the Hulett family for as long as they've owned the town proper; the school is set to educate a new generation of talent.

There is an undercurrent of political shift at Dresden. Jillian and Irene Hulett have been quietly tussling for control of the school. Jillian, the current headmistress is entirely unaware of the machinations which her sister may launch to wrest her position from her. Add to this that the New York Association of Wizards has decided to cut Dresden Academy's funding for the 2011-2012 school year. At present our headmistress, Jillian is struggling to figure out what to cut in order to save money. She'll be trying to trick staff into retiring, debate cutting some elective classes, and consider minimizing the sports program (quodpot, she's looking at you).

Dresden Academy is a high school/university game for Original Characters set in the Harry Potter Universe. We're looking for players who like organic plots and can think outside of the sandbox. Played on scribbld.
Game Information
The Game
Classes and Schedules | Dorm Life | Extracurriculars | Faculty | History
Houses | Premise | School Grounds and Rules | Wands | Wizarding Community

Rules/FAQ | Application | Current Characters | NPCs
dresdenacademy | dresdenmod | dresdenooc | dresdenfaculty
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[ viewing | August 3rd, 2011 ]
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