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your OBSESSION - zero/yuki [21 Jul 2008|11:11pm]
[ mood | accomplished ]
[ music | ultraviolet || joanna ]

My 8th fanmix, if I counted correctly...a long overdue one at that. I have another one that is basically complete...just missing something so I'm stll on it.

Anyway, this fanmix is a dedication to a pairing in a fandom that hit me very hard and very quickly; Zero x Yuki from Vampire Knight. I was surprised on how quickly I attacked myself to them as a pairing and as the series went on, I was sucked deeper and deeper into their love, their bond and even now, waiting for Season 2 to premiere, I'm still brooding because I almost know that it'll be Kaname x spoilers, mmkay?. Regardless, that's what these are for, right? So, this is my way of saying 'thanks' to Zero x Yuki for being such an awesome pairings! And a mini-dedication to my own personal Yuki who is very much as real a Yuki as there can be, [info]utena. Thanks for bringing her to life, hun. :)

your OBSESSION - zero x yuki )

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