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love's young nightmare ([info]confining) wrote in [info]fandom20in20,
@ 2010-05-14 20:01:00

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Claims · Challenges · Posting · Voting


How do I sign up?
First, you need to join the community. Once you are finished with that, then you will need to comment on the current sign up post for the round with your claim.

What can I claim?
Since this is an overall 20in20 community, one can pretty much claim anything that they want. Here's how everything breaks down.

General: You can claim an entire show, movie, anime, comic, manga, video game, or whatever else that could fall under this category. If you do this, your icons must include at least two characters from said subject. If it is a show or anime, you should icon at least two different episodes.

Character Claim: If you claim a specific character, all your icons must be of that character unless the theme states otherwise. You may show other characters in the icons as well, but the main focus should obviously be your claimed character.

Pairing Claim: If you claim a pairing, all your icons should have that relationship as it's focus. Pairing claims do not have to be romantic, you could choose to claim best friends or mortal enemies. As long as all the icons focus on that relationship, you're golden. You do not necessarily have to have both characters in every icon as long as you can somehow make it clear that it's about the relationship.

Group Claim: If you claim a specific group of characters all your icons must contain at least one character from that group. Your icons should feature at least three different characters from the group overall.

Can claims be shared or can I have multiple claims?
No, one claim per participant. If someone has taken the subject you want most, try to work around it.

( TOP )


What's the schedule?
Challenges Posted: 1st of the month, as early as possible
Challenges End: 20th of the month, 11:59 pm EST (time zone converter)
Post Icons to Community: ongoing
Voting Posted: 21st of the month, as soon as can be managed
Voting Ends: 28th of the month
Sign-ups for Next Round Posted: 21st of the month

What are the challenges?
Each round consists of 3 types of sets:
  1. 10 default themes, which will be changed every month. Some themes may be repeated.
    • These themes can be technical or symbolic, like Monochrome or Smile

  2. 5 icon set in a single category changed monthly.
    • These themes can also be technical or symbolic, but the one theme must be reflected in all 5 icons of this set.

  3. 5 icon set of Artist's Choice, which is whatever your heart desires.
    • These are completely up to the individual.

The 10 themes and 5-icon-set theme will be the same for all participants.

How alike should the icons in a set be?
While the 5-icon set should be linked thematically, each icon should be distinct. No carbon copying is allowed.

Can I use fanart?
Fanart is allowed presuming the creator is ok with it. Please credit fanart when you post your icons, if only so other people can enjoy it.

Anything Else?
Standard rules: icons made for the challenge must be new and made by the participant. No recycling of older icons unless that's a challenge requirement.

Scribbld compatible: 100x100 px or smaller, less than 40k, and .gif, .png, or .jpg.

( TOP )


How and when can I post icons?
Once the themes have been posted and the round starts, I'll give posting access to everyone who signed up. At the end of the round, I'll wipe the access to keep things clear.

Can I post as I go or does it need to be a complete set?
You can only post when you've completed all 20 icons.

Do I have to post in the community or can I fake-cut to my journal?
You can do either, but your icons MUST BE PUBLIC FOREVER. None of this password-protected stuff. If you think that will be a future problem, it would be better to post the icons to the community.

The coding for a fake cut is like this:
<b>( <a href="http://JOURNAL.net/POSTNUMBER.html">cut text here</a> )</b>

How do I tag?
I'll mention how to tag entries when I post each rounds themes.

Is there a format for posting?
Post three teaser icons. When posting the teasers, please do not use a banner or a table.

Table codes can be themes posts.

Can I post before the voting goes up?
You have to. After all, if you don't get your icons up before the due date then they won't be on the voting posts.

( TOP )


How is the voting arranged and how should I vote?
Voting will be grouped by category.

The thematic 10 icons: all icons of a particular theme will be grouped together for voting. So all Monochrome, all Smile, etc.
For these, you'll vote via comment for your favorite icons in each set.

The thematic set of 5 icons: the icons will stay as a set and each icon will have an individual number.
For these, you'll vote by via comment for your favorite sets and you will also need to vote for your favorite individual icons as stated in the voting post. The numbers for both the sets and individual icons will vary for each round depending on how many participants there are so please be sure to check out the voting rules in the posts.

The 5 Artist's Choice: Same as the thematic set of 5 icons.

How will you tally the votes?
Things will be tallied the same way it would if there were polls. In other words: the icon or set with the most points gets first place, the second most will get second, and finally the third most will get third.

In the case of ties, there will be tie-breaker posts.

Can I vote for myself?

Anything else?
Vote fairly, even though the icons are not submitted anonymously. Strategic voting (voting for icons of lesser quality to bump down the competition) is obnoxious and will be frowned down upon, so please don't do that. Promote the voting posts as much as you want, but please do not ask people to vote specifically for your icons.

( TOP )

If you have a question not covered here, please feel free to ask.

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