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love's young nightmare ([info]confining) wrote in [info]fandom20in20,
@ 2010-06-01 06:02:00

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Current mood: groggy

Round 01: Info

Round 01 Info & Themes


  1. Icons must be made for the challenge must be new and made by the participant. No recycling of older icons unless that's a challenge requirement.

  2. All work must be your own, not someone elses.

  3. Be tasteful in your choice of picture and caption.

  4. Icons must be Scribbld compatible: 100x100 px or smaller, less than 40k, and .gif, .png, or .jpg.

  5. You can only post when you've completed all 20 icons.

  6. When posting the finished 20 please leave 3 icon examples and a link to the icon post or fake lj-cut to your journal. Do not use a banner or a table when posting the teasers.

  7. The icon post must stay unlocked forever. This is mainly for two reasons:
    • I need to be able to see your entries to post voting
    • So people don't have to join to view your icons.

    If you think that will be a future problem, it would be better to post the icons to the community.

  1. Once all your icons are ready, go ahead and post them to the community.

  2. ALL entries are moderated, which means that I have to accept the entry before it's made visible to the public.

  3. Please use the provided table to post your icons for convenience. You can, of course, change the colors of the table to your liking.

  4. DO ADD TAGS TO YOUR ENTRIES. Tags are as follows:
    • round: 01
    • entries: round 01
    • claim: series: general OR claim: series: character
    • user: YOUR USER NAME

  5. DO add a subject. FORMAT AS: Round # - your claim

  6. Completed 20 are due June 20th.

  • 10 THEMES
    1. Nemesis
    2. Light
    3. Betray
    4. Texture
    5. Hush
    6. Lyrical
    7. Nature
    8. Faceless
    9. Small
    10. Eyes

CATEGORY: Black and White. All entries must be in black and white.

ARTIST'S CHOICE: Pretty much anything goes.


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