Soul Gem Search
May. 8th, 2010 @ 02:39 am
The fact she can command the bike in outer space is breathtaking. She shouldn't be able to do this, but with belief, maybe all things are possible. Big Z is appreciating the unparalleled freedom so much he's sort of kind of letting Roxanne ride in the proverbial bitch seat a little more on this one and just take things in. Adam Warlock isn't what she'd call "chatty." It's fascinating to consider there are other beings out there like herself trying to just get up in the morning and not become some terrorist or something. Maybe he can answer something that is gnawing at her.
"So what is it I'm sensing out here?" she asks. "I feel...It's like driving through Montana. Big stretch of awesome nuth'n, but you can feel some sort of pull towards the horizon. Only there ain't no horizon."