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exiles_misc ([info]exiles_misc) wrote in [info]exiles,
@ 2011-08-02 23:20:00

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Entry tags:"dogs of war", crusader, dorrek, gwenny, iron widow, kevin kinross

The fight with the Hulk was over, but a bigger threat now loomed. Apocalypse had risen and once again threatened the world. He closed in on New York. It would be his capital in the world he would shape.

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2011-08-18 03:49 am UTC (link)
And indeed, power meets power until there's nothing left of any of the bodies or energies. Including Apocalypse's.

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2011-08-18 10:52 pm UTC (link)
"KEVIN!" Natasha yelled as her faceplate slid open.

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2011-08-18 11:13 pm UTC (link)
Gwenny stands in shock.

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2011-08-18 11:43 pm UTC (link)
With the machines destroyed, and Apocalypse dust, things begin to settle. Doug and Dani coming slowly to their senses - and Rahne slowly transforming into a human for the first time in ages, though she remains unconscious.

Sarah just stares a few moments where Kev was, then startles, looking at the Tallus.

"We... it says we can stay for the funeral." she says quietly. Too many lost. This isn't the first for her. She prays its the last.

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2011-08-22 09:28 pm UTC (link)
Dorrek staggers over toward the other Exiles, wiping vomit off of his face as he shifts away his shattered wing. He squeezes his eyes shut when he hears what Sarah says.

Poor Kev. That they were able to fight Apocalypse with so few casualties is beyond amazing, but...

At least Kev got to see people he felt were close enough to family before he died.

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