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Kevin Kinross ([info]better_now) wrote in [info]exiles,
@ 2011-01-24 21:50:00

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Entry tags:"dogs of war", dorrek

Dogs of War: Prelude
They arrived in a new place.  Kev looked around. They were in an alleyway in  New York City.  No dead bodies surrounded them. Always nice. No rampaging mental patients at the moment, also nice.  And there was a newspaper. January date. "Worthington Enterprises donates $1 billion to Lenore St. Croix Foundation. Subhead: "Also $10 million to CEO's mutant-specialty alma mater." Kev grinned. "What a terribly normal newspaper."  There are sounds above and quite some ways away, and Kev looks up to see, swinging between the skyscrapers, four superheroes on weblines: one in crimson and navy, one in scarlet and azure, one in maroon and gold, and one in black and white.


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2011-01-26 07:05 am UTC (link)
And Kev follows.

On the other side of the portal is the Xavier Institute for the Genetically Gifted. It looks much like many versions of Xavier's School throughout the time streams, perhaps more expanded than some. It is currently clean and orderly and finished with all repairs since the last time there was an accident or attack.
Ready to meet them, in a wheelchair brimming with extremely high-tech modifications, is Dr. Alexander Summers. Laura is already talking to him quietly.

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2011-01-26 07:06 am UTC (link)
Gwenny comes through, looking around wide-eyed.

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2011-01-27 02:54 am UTC (link)
Dane follows, maintaining his healthy suspicion of this world and its inhabitants.

However, the woman's look at Dane, followed by her comment to Kevin cause Dane to narrow his eyes.

"I don't much appreciate being talked around in my presence. What is she getting at?" Dane asks.

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2011-01-27 03:03 am UTC (link)
"Well, y'ken how I said I'd made sure they'd send the teleporter who isn't scared of Black Knights? Well, the one who is...well, terribly powerful fellow, but the lad's not all right in the head." Yes, this is Kev talking.

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2011-01-27 03:08 am UTC (link)
Dane isn't certain he understands Kevin's meaning for a moment, because many euphemisms go right over his head. But he /thinks/ he's got Kevin's meaning.

"The individual there were going to send is afraid of...me? And he is off ill-humors? No man has reason to fear me unless he consorts with demons or those who would elevate false gods over his fellow man. I take issue with those who would do so." Dane says, looking between Kevin and Laura.

"Who is this man and why should he fear me?" Dane asks.

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2011-01-27 03:32 am UTC (link)
"Aye, basically," Kev says. "And it wouldn't do much good trying to sort this all out with him around having a fit, aye?"

Alex sighs, hands on either side of his nose. "If I may interrupt?" He says wearily. "It's hardly something personal," he says to Dane. "If you aren't the Black Knight involved in the massacre at Acre or various other 12th century incidents, then the patient in question is not afraid of you. Or enraged, or whatever sets him off on talk of blood and betrayal and, in fact, demons and False Gods. Unfortunately, we're told the resemblance between our local Black Knight and this man is fairly...uncanny."

"Which, since we have avoided that particular situation, is slightly beside the point," says the man joining them, with long dark brown hair and deep brown eyes. "Can we get down to business?"

"Just about to, Scott."

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2011-01-27 03:44 am UTC (link)
Dane deigns to let the matter rest, for now, as the new person enters the room. He /will/ be bringing this up again later.

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2011-01-27 06:39 am UTC (link)
Once she confirms that there's no trap waiting for them, and people are reasonable, if suspicious - as she might well be if things were reversed, she calls Tasha to give her their coordinates and the all clear.

They'll have to work up communicators for the newcomers.

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2011-01-27 07:19 am UTC (link)
Dorrek crosses his arms and watches the mutants assemble for this discussion. He hopes that, if they're scanning the team for other mutants, they won't say anything about his decidedly non-mutant biology.

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2011-01-27 12:42 pm UTC (link)
Gwenny stands between Miss Rogers and Mr. Valentine, trying to take all this in.

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2011-01-27 07:36 pm UTC (link)
Kev manages to look attentive. He wants to find out about Rahne.

"So," says Alex. "I'm Dr. Summers, this is my brother Scott. And, well... five dimensionally displaced people walk into the Institute. What's the punchline?"

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2011-01-27 11:58 pm UTC (link)
"I'd love to tell you, but its in Latin." Sarah replies. "Dr. Summers, it appears we're going to be here a little while. I'm willing to accept going under heavy guard as a guarantee of the good behavior of the others if you could arrange rooms and a hot meal for them, by chance? After that, I think you and I should speak... and then, if you're not ready to kick us out yet, perhaps I could speak to Dr. McCoy or someone else who speaks Latin?"

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2011-01-28 12:02 am UTC (link)
Natasha acknowledged the all clear and let Sarah know she would be back in a little while.

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2011-01-28 12:27 am UTC (link)
Alex nods, and guest suites will be arranged for these people. "Hank should be home shortly. Doug is home, but... I don't know if he's up for work right now."

"Doug's here? Can I talk to him?" Kev asks eagerly.

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2011-01-28 01:04 am UTC (link)
Dane doesn't particularly like the idea of Sarah being under guard for the sake of the rest of the team, but she's leader here, not him.

He still thinks Kevin's focus isn't appropriate to the situation, but he tries to remember that all of these people haven't seen their own homes in a long time. If he saw Sersi here, there would be little to stop him from going to her, falling to his knees and wrapping his arms around her waist, as he always did.

So, he tries forgive Kev's excitement and continues glaring at everyone that isn't one of the Exiles and pondering the mystery of this being who fears him.

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2011-01-28 03:29 am UTC (link)
Dorrek's expression mirror's Dane's, though it's more that he's irritated by the continued delay. They have a mission to fulfill, and he doesn't know how many universes it will take for him to get back home. And the longer he stays here, the more time someone here has to say he's not a mutant.

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2011-01-29 02:30 am UTC (link)
Sarah turns to the others, trying not to sound /too/ overbearing. She volunteered for this, and wants people to rest up for what lies ahead.

"Alright - everyone, find a bunk, try and keep somewhat together. Get some rest and hot food while I talk to Dr. Summers. We don't know when we'll get the luxury again, enjoy it while you can and get to know the locals. I'll report back with what the Tallus said as soon as I can find a Latin speaker."

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