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exiles_misc ([info]exiles_misc) wrote in [info]exiles,
@ 2010-10-22 02:08:00

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Entry tags:"with great power...", bullseye, crusader, danielle cage, iron widow

Sarah and Dani vs Ms. Marvel and Screaming Mimi
The test match was over and Sarah and Dani were scheduled for their next fight. Tonight they were going to face Ms. Marvel and Screaming Mimi. Winning that match was necessary to get a shot at Grimm and Parker.

They had a few hours of downtime which had been spent in posh dressing rooms.

Then it was time for the match.

Natasha led them out to the ring amidst boos and jeers. Natasha yelled at the crowd in Russian as they walked to the ring.

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Re: Mr. Fixit and Venom vs. Dani and Sarah
2010-11-26 09:16 am UTC (link)
Mr. Fixit went flying over her head and landed on the floor again. Hard. He was sitll for a moment before he started to climb to his feet.

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Re: Mr. Fixit and Venom vs. Dani and Sarah
2010-11-27 01:44 am UTC (link)
Sarah knows she can't let up. He recovers too quickly. Having fallen back on her dad's training for fighting stronger opponents - not something she needs to do often these days, she decides to keep it up, trying an unconventional tactic.

She lunges in while he's looking a little groggy and clambering to his feet, she dives at the back of his leg, trying to knock him forward onto his front where he won't have much leverage, then tries to get him into an ankle lock. Not the most spectacular looking move, but plenty painful, and has the advantage of putting all the leverage on the attacker's side.

Sure, a skilled enough combatant can counter it. Its not the most difficult of moves to counteract - but you have to think it through, and have the actual skill to know the moves. She's betting he's worked up enough to not be thinking, and if he just tries to power through it, its entirely possible to break an ankle - which she's perfectly willing to do here, if that's what it takes.

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Re: Mr. Fixit and Venom vs. Dani and Sarah
2010-11-27 01:49 am UTC (link)
Fixit is just past the point of thinking things through. He tries to rely on his strength and power through it. Whatever the girl was doing to his ankle, it was painful and he wanted it to stop. The anger grew.

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Re: Mr. Fixit and Venom vs. Dani and Sarah
2010-11-27 01:53 am UTC (link)
She hates to do this. Its not normally her way or her style. She was trained by Captain America though, pound for pound, one of the best hand to hand fighters going. She knows the moves, and she knows that if he Hulks up too much, without her shield and hammer, she can't take him forever unless she out-skills him.

She increases the pressure on the ankle even as she encourages him to keep trying to power his way through - its the basic philosophy of joint locks - there's counters, but if you try and power out, sooner or later, something is going to break - and she hopes, at least, if there's the sound of a breaking bone, the ref will call the fight.

"What's the matter, can't handle a little girl? Not strong enough?" she taunts in accented Russian - that's it, get angry, angrier, try and keep fighting, don't think.

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Re: Mr. Fixit and Venom vs. Dani and Sarah
2010-11-27 01:56 am UTC (link)
"Mr. Fixit will smash little girl!" he growled. He kept trying to power through it and eventually there was the sound of a snapping bone. Mr. Fixit yelled and the anger grew even more.

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Re: Mr. Fixit and Venom vs. Dani and Sarah
2010-11-27 02:01 am UTC (link)
"You are nothing, you're weak, you're pathetic." she snarls back in Russian, ramping up the pressure further, lest he heal. Now the potential brutality of the move is obvious, and the front few rows had to hear the bone snap.

She looks towards Dani quickly, desperately hoping that her tag partner has Venom handled, otherwise she's going to get double teamed any second now.

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Re: Mr. Fixit and Venom vs. Dani and Sarah
2010-11-27 02:05 am UTC (link)
Dani ran towards Venom to smash him with a steel chair.

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Re: Mr. Fixit and Venom vs. Dani and Sarah
2010-11-27 02:12 am UTC (link)
The ref heard the snap of the bone and signaled for the bell to sound. The match was over.

Venom turned in time to see the chair coming at him, but it was too late. The metal chair connected and venom went sprawling to the ground. He wasn't out yet.

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Re: Mr. Fixit and Venom vs. Dani and Sarah
2010-11-27 02:14 am UTC (link)
As soon as the bell rings, Sarah flies back, literally. She releases the hold and lands outside the ring. She's not sure if the match being over is going to stop an angry Hulk or not - and if it doesn't, she hopes the ankle will slow him down enough that she can lead him away from the crowd and give her a chance to get to her weapons.

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Re: Mr. Fixit and Venom vs. Dani and Sarah
2010-11-27 02:30 am UTC (link)
Mr. Fixit climbed to his feet, not putting any weight on the one that was broken. He stood there for a moment almost as if he was trying to figure out what was happening. He heard the bell ring again and he nodded. The match was over.

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Re: Mr. Fixit and Venom vs. Dani and Sarah
2010-11-27 02:40 am UTC (link)
Sarah cautiously climbs back into the ring, nodding towards her opponent, glad that it seems Joe Fixit really is more reasonable than the big, green version. She doesn't like him any better, but at least this didn't turn into a running battle through the city like she's sure it would have with some other Hulks.

She's also still not very happy with herself over diving at an opponent's knee and fighting dirty - or dirty for her, anyway, but she did what she had to do to get through this one.

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