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exiles_misc ([info]exiles_misc) wrote in [info]exiles,
@ 2010-10-22 02:08:00

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Entry tags:"with great power...", bullseye, crusader, danielle cage, iron widow

Sarah and Dani vs Ms. Marvel and Screaming Mimi
The test match was over and Sarah and Dani were scheduled for their next fight. Tonight they were going to face Ms. Marvel and Screaming Mimi. Winning that match was necessary to get a shot at Grimm and Parker.

They had a few hours of downtime which had been spent in posh dressing rooms.

Then it was time for the match.

Natasha led them out to the ring amidst boos and jeers. Natasha yelled at the crowd in Russian as they walked to the ring.

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Re: Meanwhile
2010-11-04 11:45 pm UTC (link)
"He's got to have an interest in his investment, so he'll either stop by or remain close enough to peek on things." Dane surmises.

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Re: Meanwhile
2010-11-06 10:39 pm UTC (link)
"We'll get Dani and Sarah a shot at the championship and while they're doing that, the rest of us will take down Malus."

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Re: Meanwhile
2010-11-08 03:46 am UTC (link)
"Sounds like a plan to me."

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Re: Meanwhile
2010-11-10 02:16 am UTC (link)
"Are we going to attempt to turn this man over to this dimension's authorities? From what I understand, they employ off-duty policemen as guards as well. If any of them know what is happening and aren't reporting it, we could have a difficult battle on our hands." Dane says.

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Re: Meanwhile
2010-11-10 02:20 am UTC (link)
“So then we need to get evidence that can’t be refuted and get it to the proper authorities.”

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Re: Meanwhile
2010-11-10 05:03 am UTC (link)
"I can check on the status of SHIELD in this world. Worst comes to worst we can hand them over to SHIELD."

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Re: Meanwhile
2010-11-10 07:01 am UTC (link)
"Good plan, I think. I'll be prepping for this next match. This is definitely not going to be easy."

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