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broken_time ([info]broken_time) wrote in [info]exiles,
@ 2010-07-03 22:43:00

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Entry tags:black knight, bullseye

Welcome to Nowhere
Wherever they were, whatever they were doing, two men from different worlds find themselves in the middle of a rolling desert. While hills obscure some of the view, there seems to be a great deal of sand and not much else.

Well, aside from the faint smell of coffee and fresh baked goods off in one direction.

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2010-07-07 01:59 am UTC (link)
Dane expected the thrall to press his advantage, to attack while he was blinded, but when no attack came, he wondered what was happening. He tried getting to his feet, the sand still irritating his eyes.

"Galam-Reth the Wrathful teleported me here when I was about to kill him. This area looks like a desert I know of, several miles outside of Thessyria. You should know all this...unless you are not truly a minion of Galam-Reth. If you are not, then how did you come to be here?" Dane asks skeptically.

He doesn't immediately call his sword back to his hand. Let the other man think he is now defenseless.

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2010-07-07 02:09 am UTC (link)
It still sounded like a lot of crazy but at least for now he had stopped trying to run him through with that sword.

“I have no idea what the hell you are talking about but I was about to kill the Number One of the Secret Empire by throwing toothpick at him from across the street and the moment before I could make the throw I was here with your crazy ass trying to kill me.”

He never let down his guard as he talked.

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2010-07-07 11:45 pm UTC (link)
Dane considers this man's words. It could very well be a trick, but if it wasn't...if they were both two men who had been taken from their homes and brought to this place, what did that mean?

And who was responsible?

"Let's say I believe you for this moment. Will you work with me to determine how we've lost our course and try to get back where we are from?"

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2010-07-08 01:53 am UTC (link)
Lester though for a few moment think thing through, he wasn’t quite sure what to believe but it did seem wise to now have this man constantly trying to kill him.

“Yeah I think I could try to work with you to figure out what’s going on. I would have to guess that checking out where that smell of food is coming from might be a good place to start.”

Yes he was willing to work with him but that didn’t mean he was going to let his guard down, not even for a moment.

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