broken_time (![]() ![]() |
"Oh, she recovered... Eternals do that. They just don't live on Earth anymore, in your reality. They left thousands of years before you were born a thrall." he explains, as if he could hear the Black Knight's thoughts.
"If you don't take me up on the offer, I send you back, the odds of fixing your reality decrease dramatically, you and Sersi will never meet, and you will live until the age of 37, at which point you will die from heatstroke and exhaustion in Cthon's slaveyards, after which you will be served for dinner to the rest of the slaves."
"If you don't take me up on the offer, I send you back, the odds of fixing your reality decrease dramatically, you and Sersi will never meet, and you will live until the age of 37, at which point you will die from heatstroke and exhaustion in Cthon's slaveyards, after which you will be served for dinner to the rest of the slaves."
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