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broken_time ([info]broken_time) wrote in [info]exiles,
"Your wife, in fact, is not alright Mr. Whitman. In current reality, she was killed, along with Ikaris, during the Cthonic uprisings. Without their leadership, Zuras decided to take all of the Eternals to the outpost on Titan. They now attempt only to keep the demon rulers of Earth from infesting the rest of the galaxy. Neither you, nor any other human has ever taken on the guise of the Black Knight."
He pauses, pushing coffee cups and the muffin tin across the counter towards the pair.

"I know, you're going to tell me that its a lie. And you have an opportunity to turn it back into a lie. Or I can send you back where you will be a thrall of Cthon's that Sersi has never heard of. Its your decision."

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