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broken_time ([info]broken_time) wrote in [info]exiles,
"Your mission, should you choose to accept it. And I do recommend at least some coffee. Its terrible where you're going. In any case, the simple answer.... well, there is no simple answer. The one that doesn't involve a lot of math is that the time stream has become disrupted. Most of the time a ripple in the time stream is no big deal... someone is late for a meeting, someone has turkey instead of roast beef, LeBron James goes to New York. But if a ripple is large enough it causes problems... big problems. Then one world's time becomes unstable, and makes the disruptions worse for the next world up the line, so on and so forth. Your worlds have both been hit by just such a ripple... and you've both become unhinged in time. I can send you back... but your worlds wouldn't be ones you recognize, and I doubt you'd care for the changes."

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