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Dane Whitman ([info]steelandsorcery) wrote in [info]exiles,
The Black Knight severs the head of a daemon, then parries an incoming blow from a thrall, who is then slashed across the chest and kicked away.

He is less than ten steps from Galam-Reth the Wrathful, poised to end this battle. This victory will mark a turning point in the war against the Chosen; he and Sersi fight back to back, covering each other as easily and fluidly as two halves of the same whole.

Eight steps, then seven, then six...and Galam-Reth has is distracted by a blast of fury from Ikaris and the other Eternals.

Five steps, four, three, two left before he can stand and declare Europe free of the Chosen.

The Black Knight lifts his sword to strike at the last step...and finds himself in the middle of a rolling desert. He barely avoids falling from losing his balance, but comes up ready to attack.

He doesn't know who the man across from him is, but this could easily be one of Galam-Reth's illusions.

"You do not fool me, Daemon! Your tricks will not avail you!" he yells, preparing to strike.

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