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wwii_hero ([info]wwii_hero) wrote in [info]exiles,
@ 2010-05-07 13:31:00

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Entry tags:"contemplate infinity", patriot

The Reality Gem
Bucky climbs aboard Star-Lord's vessel.

"Nice ship," he points out. "Think it'll beat Thanos's forces there?"

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2010-07-04 11:23 pm UTC (link)
Peter and Sin are bound and strung up over the piranha pit, visible to the combatants through a clear glass wall.

Crossbones draws a hand crossbow in one hand, a serrated long knife in the other, ignoring Sin's predicament and focusing on Bucky.

"You might have had the edge last time... but fighting to the death... you and yer buddy are meat. You ain't got the guts."

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2010-07-04 11:29 pm UTC (link)
Bucky looks at him, a look of blank confusion briefly crossing his face...


Then a gun is suddenly in his hands and shooting into Crossbone's stomach, a painful gut shot certain to kill slowly without serious medical help.

"How many Nazis do you think I killed in the war?" he asks, almost casually. He fires another shot, aiming for his right chest this time, hoping to collapse a lung. "Think we just punched them in the face? I shot. I stabbed. I set them on fire. It was war, Brock."

He steps closer. "And after what I saw when I arrived in this universe?"

He fires a shot into Crossbone's head. "So is this."

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2010-07-04 11:33 pm UTC (link)
Brock is stunned. He's fought Captain America dozens of times, and each and every time, he was the killer, the aggressor, the one out for blood. It helped him come back time and time again without fear, knowing Cap would always wuss out and do the right thing.

He expected circling, banter, a chance to get in close. The one thing he didn't expect was killer instinct. And because of that, he's lost without getting a shot off.

Crossbones falls to his knees, staring blankly as Bucky talks, then he falls backwards with the shot to the head, going very still.

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2010-07-04 11:37 pm UTC (link)
Mojo grins wickedly. He slams his hand down on a button - and both captives drop into the piranha pit, the water quickly going red and frothy.

"OOPPS, sorry... I lied. I only HAD one butTON. But still, the PIRanhas win! And so does Bucky Barnes, heehee! And we're signing OFF the air! Thank you EVERYONE for making this the BIGgest ratings bonanza OF ALL TIME! You'd think the FATE of the UNIverse was topical."

With one more punch of a button, everything begins exploding, the set, the domobots, the course... with just one clear path to the prize pedestal with the reality gem - and a path quickly becoming dangerous with falling rubble and explosions leading back to Peter's ship.

Mojo himself? Well, he's in the midst of the biggest explosion, the pyrotechnics too bright to look at as the Lord of ratings goes out with a bang.

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2010-07-04 11:41 pm UTC (link)
Later, he's going to raise a drink to Peter Quill, the Star-Lord, who died due to a cowardly traitorous act during the saving of the universe.

And maybe, with all these gems back, they can still save him... once the universe has been saved and set right.

The gem in his hand, he escapes to Peter's mourning ship and takes off.

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