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wwii_hero ([info]wwii_hero) wrote in [info]exiles,
@ 2010-05-07 13:31:00

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Entry tags:"contemplate infinity", patriot

The Reality Gem
Bucky climbs aboard Star-Lord's vessel.

"Nice ship," he points out. "Think it'll beat Thanos's forces there?"

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2010-07-04 09:14 pm UTC (link)
"A little. I'm more of a shooter though."

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2010-07-04 09:16 pm UTC (link)
"Trained by Captain America," Patriot notes, pointing to his chest. "I'll handle being blindfolded. Get me through to the other side." He grasps Pete's shoulder tightly, then turns to Mojo.

"Give me the blindfold."

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2010-07-04 09:25 pm UTC (link)
Peter nods, heading to the booth with a couple of Mojo's domo-bots while another one of them blindfolds Bucky. Across from them, Crossbones is blindfolded while Sin is led to the booth.

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2010-07-04 10:46 pm UTC (link)
"Good thing you've got Sin guiding you, Cross," Bucky calls out. "You know she'd never betray you..."

He smiles just a little. Trust in one's allies is one area which he'll always have the upper hand over Crossbones.

"I mean... she knows your grandmother was a Jew, and that didn't matter to her, right?" He glances to Sin. "I mean, you knew that, right?"

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2010-07-04 10:51 pm UTC (link)
Crossbones snarls at Bucky. "Screw you, Barnes." he spits, before looking daggers at Sin. "Keep your eyes on the prize. We win this, we get to make all the rules."

Still, both of them look a bit more shaken at that.

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2010-07-04 10:53 pm UTC (link)
The seed of doubt is planted in both their psyche's. That's all he needed. He doesn't want to overdo it.

Blindfolded, he opens his other senses as best he can to sense the environment around him, so that Peter's guidance will be a useful enhancement, but not a requirement.

"Let's do this."

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2010-07-04 10:54 pm UTC (link)
"OoohhhHHH, the draMA.... alright kiddies... BEgin! And just for fun... let's add a TIME LIMIT! In fifteen minutes, the COURSE will flood with HOT lava!"

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2010-07-04 10:55 pm UTC (link)
Inwardly, Crossbones is cursing Bucky. Damn his sense of timing. Still, he begins the course well enough. He's not entirely untrained, and though she hesitates, Sin gets him past the first buzzsaw trap, and times the jump right to get over the piranha tank.

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2010-07-04 11:00 pm UTC (link)
But the doubt slows him down. He doesn't have any doubt with Peter. He's heard of him in his own universe. The man is a hero. He trusts every word Peter tells him. He doesn't slow down, trusting in his partner's words to get him over the buzzsaws, the piranha tank, and even over the giant meat-grinder without a pause, stopping only when Peter warns him to stop long enough to give more complicated directions.

Bucky and Peter are tearing up this particular obstacle course.

"How you doing, Cross?" he calls back. Sure, it's a little cocky, but Cross could use a little reminder now that they're deep in the event.

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2010-07-04 11:03 pm UTC (link)
That was what he needed. Crossbones hears Bucky's voice and goes on his own initiative, opening fire with a hand crossbow. Sure, they're losing. he knows it. Peter might not know Bucky as well as Cross knows Sin... but Cross knows Sin. But he figures if he can injure the opposition, they might have a chance to catch up.

Star-Lord shouts a warning while Crossbones leaps for the rope swing, a little behind Bucky, trying to make up time.

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2010-07-04 11:05 pm UTC (link)
Bucky hears the warning and knows to duck just as the quarrel skims by his forehead.

"Almost, Cross, but not quite... story of your life, huh?"

But he doesn't slow down. He's not going to let Cross win this one.

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2010-07-04 11:09 pm UTC (link)
He doesn't. The cheap shot was his best chance - unsurprising with Crossbones. Sin is too hesitant, and he doesn't trust her with any consistency, and that costs them both. By the end of the course they're back in sync, but its not going to be enough.

And Star-Lord has the good sense to remind Bucky about the spear trap past the end of the finish line - to Mojo's disappointment.

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2010-07-04 11:10 pm UTC (link)
Bucky gives Peter a firm handshake upon his return. "Nice work, Peter. Thanks for keeping me alive out there."

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2010-07-04 11:20 pm UTC (link)
Peter nods, even as more domos are closing in around them to make sure they're set for the final. "You did the hard work. Looks like there's no time to rest..."

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