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wwii_hero ([info]wwii_hero) wrote in [info]exiles,
@ 2010-05-07 13:31:00

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Entry tags:"contemplate infinity", patriot

The Reality Gem
Bucky climbs aboard Star-Lord's vessel.

"Nice ship," he points out. "Think it'll beat Thanos's forces there?"

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2010-07-04 05:12 am UTC (link)
Crossbones is right there with him, not quite as fast, but with greater upper body strength, making up the difference when he hits the swinging bars and the wall climb. The others follow, using his lead to kow where the traps are, with Jack O' Lantern in particular getting ready to use his glider to make a final sprint when they get close enough.

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2010-07-04 08:32 pm UTC (link)
Crossbones has greater strength, while Bucky has greater flexibility and acrobatic skill. He moves through the obstacle course as if he was born in it, avoiding the deathtraps with ease, always staying one step ahead of Crossbones. But he's not sure that will make a difference when Jack O'Lantern's glider gets a chance to duck ahead. He redoubles his efforts, trying to keep as much of a lead as possible.

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2010-07-04 08:43 pm UTC (link)
The fears prove merited, as Crossbones identifies the final obstacles, almost neck and neck with Bucky, and then Jack rockets ahead at full tilt, evading the spear trap after going over the glue pit and the buzzsaws.

No one ever said that the nazis, or Mojo, played fair.

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2010-07-04 09:01 pm UTC (link)
He wasn't expecting them to. At least they didn't sabotage his survival on the way across.

He survived the challenge, at least. He'll have one last chance to win now. One more challenge will tie it up, and then one last challenge to beat. He can do this.

He has to do this.

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2010-07-04 09:03 pm UTC (link)
Jack crosses the finish line, dropping to the ground and turning to hold a hand up in victory - and promptly has a spear punched through his chest from behind. After all, this is the Mojoverse. Just because you won doesn't make you safe.

Sin and Crossbones are much more careful crossing the line, not looking real pleased with Mojo now.

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