exiles_baddie (![]() ![]() |
"Safe? No, oh no. NonononoNONO nooooooo. Nowhere is safe from Mojo during Sweeps Week! So here's how we're going to do this... first team to three, count them, ONE, two... THREE points wins control over reality. The Nazis have one point.
Our first wonDIFferous game will be the QUIZ round. While suspended over... boilING HOThothot Magma. First team to MISS a quesTION gets the loser who FAILed to answer his question dropped into the pit. The other TEAM gets a point.
Is EVERYbody ready to play... or does someone want to forfeit a pont, hmmm?"
Our first wonDIFferous game will be the QUIZ round. While suspended over... boilING HOThothot Magma. First team to MISS a quesTION gets the loser who FAILed to answer his question dropped into the pit. The other TEAM gets a point.
Is EVERYbody ready to play... or does someone want to forfeit a pont, hmmm?"
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